java Programming Glossary: mbitmap
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? bitmap public Bitmap getBitmap String imageUrl Bitmap mBitmap null try URL url new URL imageUrl HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection.. url.openConnection InputStream is conn.getInputStream mBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream is catch MalformedURLException e.. catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return mBitmap Forth define a adapter extend BaseAdapter for displaying the..
Android color picker to be included in the activity 0.25f private static final float MAXP 0.75f private Bitmap mBitmap private Canvas mCanvas private Path mPath private Paint mBitmapPaint.. private Canvas mCanvas private Path mPath private Paint mBitmapPaint Context context private Paint circlePaint private Path.. DrawingView Context c super c context c mPath new Path mBitmapPaint new Paint Paint.DITHER_FLAG circlePaint new Paint circlePath..