

java Programming Glossary: math.pi

Java 2d rotation in direction mouse point


2 double angle Math.atan2 centerY mouseY centerX mouseX Math.PI 2 Graphics2D g .rotate angle centerX centerY g.fillRect .....

Covert latitude/longitude point to a pixels (x,y) on mercator projection


85.05112878 double mapLatBottomDegree mapLatBottom Math.PI 180 double worldMapWidth mapWidth mapLonDelta 360 2 Math.PI.. 180 double worldMapWidth mapWidth mapLonDelta 360 2 Math.PI double mapOffsetY worldMapWidth 2 Math.log 1 Math.sin mapLatBottomDegree.. mapWidth mapLonDelta double y 0.1 if lat 0 lat lat Math.PI 180 y mapHeight worldMapWidth 2 Math.log 1 Math.sin lat 1 Math.sin..

Draw a circle with a radius and points around the edge


2 r g2d.setColor Color.blue for int i 0 i n i double t 2 Math.PI i n int x int Math.round a r Math.cos t int y int Math.round..

How to rotate an image gradually in Swing?


final int SIZE 256 private static double DELTA_THETA Math.PI 90 private final Timer timer new Timer 25 this private Image..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


Math.sin latA Math.sin lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees.. Math.sin latA Math.sin lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF.. latA Math.sin lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF newPoint..

Rotating BufferedImage instances


2 getHeight 2 3. do the actual rotation at.rotate Math.PI 4 2. just a scale because this image is big at.scale 0.5 0.5..

Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis


ActionListener private static final double DELTA_THETA Math.PI 45 4° private static final double DELTA_SCALE 0.1 private int..

byte array to short array and back again in java


audioData i short audioData i short 5 Math.cos 2 Math.PI i Number EncodeBox.getValue .intValue i short x 0 i 0 while..

How do i align this text correctly?


boolean anitalias false static final float HPI float Math.PI 180f public void start enableEvents AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK.. y g2d.setColor colors n g2d.setTransform at g2d.rotate n Math.PI 2 x y g2d.drawString s x y public static void main String args..

A rotated square panel in Java GUI


g int w2 getWidth 2 int h2 getHeight 2 g2d.rotate Math.PI 2 w2 h2 super.paintComponent g private void display JFrame f..

draw polar graph in java


RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON double dt Math.PI 180 int w getWidth 2 int h getHeight 2 path.reset path.moveTo.. getHeight 2 path.reset path.moveTo w h for double t 0 t 2 Math.PI t dt double x w Math.sin 5 t w double y h Math.sin 4 t h path.lineTo..

Java raw audio output


i intFPW wavelengths i double angle float i 2 float intFPW Math.PI buf i 2 getByteValue angle if addHarmonic buf i 2 1 getByteValue.. intFPW wavelengths i double angle float i 2 float intFPW Math.PI buf i 2 getByteValue angle if addHarmonic buf i 2 1 getByteValue..