java Programming Glossary: math.min
Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image getScaleFactor original.height toFit.height dScale Math.min dScaleHeight dScaleWidth return dScale public static double.. getScaleFactor original.height toFit.height dScale Math.min dScaleHeight dScaleWidth return dScale @Override protected void.. Graphics g super.paintComponent g double scaleFactor Math.min 1d getScaleFactorToFit new Dimension image.getWidth image.getHeight..
the images are not loading random.nextInt 7 1 velocity.x random.nextInt 4 velocity.x Math.min velocity.x 8 velocity.x Math.max velocity.x 8 velocity.y random.nextInt.. velocity.x 8 velocity.y random.nextInt 4 velocity.y Math.min velocity.y 8 velocity.y Math.max velocity.y 8 add the velocity.. random.nextInt 7 1 velocity.x random.nextInt 4 velocity.x Math.min velocity.x 8 velocity.x Math.max velocity.x 8 velocity.y random.nextInt..
Is there any way to accept only numeric values in a JTextField? getCaretPosition super.setValue value setCaretPosition Math.min old_caret_position getText .length @Override protected boolean..
Draw a circle with a radius and points around the edge g2d.setColor a getWidth 2 b getHeight 2 int m Math.min a b r 4 m 5 int r2 Math.abs m r 2 g2d.drawOval a r b r 2 r 2..
How to effectively copy an array in java? newLength System.arraycopy original 0 copy 0 Math.min original.length newLength return copy share improve this answer..
Android file uploader with server-side php int maxBufferSize 1000 int bufferSize Math.min bytesAvailable maxBufferSize byte buffer new byte bytesAvailable.. bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available bytesAvailable Math.min bytesAvailable maxBufferSize bytesRead
Painted content invisible while resizing in Java super.paintComponent g Dimension size this.getSize int d Math.min size.width size.height 10 int x size.width d 2 int y size.height..
Best way to represent a fraction in Java? public byte byteValue return byte Math.max Byte.MIN_VALUE Math.min Byte.MAX_VALUE longValue public short shortValue return short.. short shortValue return short Math.max Short.MIN_VALUE Math.min Short.MAX_VALUE longValue public int intValue return int Math.max.. public int intValue return int Math.max Integer.MIN_VALUE Math.min Integer.MAX_VALUE longValue public long longValue return Math.round..
RGB to CMYK and back algorithm static int rgbToCmyk int red int green int blue int black Math.min Math.min 255 red 255 green 255 blue if black 255 int cyan 255.. rgbToCmyk int red int green int blue int black Math.min Math.min 255 red 255 green 255 blue if black 255 int cyan 255 red black..
How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work? image this.add new JScrollPane label this.pack int w Math.min MAX_SIZE image.getWidth null int h Math.min MAX_SIZE image.getHeight.. int w Math.min MAX_SIZE image.getWidth null int h Math.min MAX_SIZE image.getHeight null Insets i this.getInsets this.setSize..
Swing GroupLayout: Resizing and limiting component sizes also tried setSize and setPreferredSize new Dimension Math.min l.getSize .width maxW l.getMaximumSize .height groupLayout.invalidateLayout..