java Programming Glossary: maximum
Resizing issue with canvas within jscrollpane within jsplitpane I have tried various combinations of the preferred minimum maximum sizes of the JScrollPane and Canvas but nothing seems to work...
Increase heap size in java 64 bit with 8 GB ram. How can I increase the heap memory maximum I am using the Xmx1500m flag to increase the heap size to 1500..
add thumnails to spring layout like a grid? container has not yet been calculated so lets ask for the maximum. int targetWidth target.getSize .width if targetWidth 0 targetWidth..
Java maximum memory on Windows XP maximum memory on Windows XP I've always been able to allocate 1400..
Choosing a Java Web Framework now? [closed] media content mashup templates based layout validation maximum html java code separation. Grails looked like a good choice..
How does Java handle integer underflows and overflows and how would you check for it? continues from there. If it underflows it goes back to the maximum value and continues from there. You can check that beforehand..
Generating random numbers in a range with Java the following things but I still have problems minimum and maximum are the smallest and biggest numbers . Solution 1 randomNum.. numbers . Solution 1 randomNum minimum int Math.random maximum Problem randomNum is assinged values numbers bigger than maximum.. Problem randomNum is assinged values numbers bigger than maximum . Solution 2 Random rn new Random int n maximum minimum 1 int..
Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main? true double M1 M1Start double M2 M2Start Set MinLoop as maximum to start Loan 1 double N1 Math.log10 1 IM1 L1 M1 1 Math.log10..
Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side? concurrent users and then give the appserver 125 ~ 150 of maximum measured memory. Note that JSF 2.0 has improved a lot in state..
Virtual Memory Usage from Java under Linux, too much memory used Linux. When I launch the application using the default maximum heap size 64mb I see using the tops application that 240 MB..
Is there some “Word Wrap” Property of JLabel exist?
String's Maximum length in Java - calling length() method find an answer on a Google search. In Java what is the maximum size a String object may have referring to the length method.. the String class' length method returns an int the maximum length that would be returned by the method would be Integer.MAX_VALUE.. it appears that the limit is indeed 2^31 1 as that is the maximum value for a nonnegative int value. However there probably are..
Swing GroupLayout: Resizing and limiting component sizes part everything is working just fine. I want to limit the maximum width of the labels which are just instances of JLabel to 1..
How to download and save a file from Internet using Java? it here . Note The third parameter in transferFrom is the maximum number of bytes to transfer. Integer.Max_VALUE will transfer..
java.sql.SQLException: - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded 01000 SQL exception. So i have some queries related to it. Maximum open cursors is exactly related with no of JDBC connections..
Maximum length of Intent putExtra method? (Force close) length of Intent putExtra method Force close I need some help..
JTable Calls Custom Cell Renderer Method… Continuously you need doLayout next level then there you can to set Maximum visible row s for JTextComponents too with little effort doLayout..
JTable Boolean.class the event dispatch thread . Avoid the use of set Preferred Maximum Minimum Size methods in Java Swing setPreferredScrollableViewportSize..
Maximum Java heap size of a 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit OS Java heap size of a 32 bit JVM on a 64 bit OS The question..
Using Java to get OS-level system information preset limit long maxMemory Runtime.getRuntime .maxMemory Maximum amount of memory the JVM will attempt to use System.out.println.. of memory the JVM will attempt to use System.out.println Maximum memory bytes maxMemory Long.MAX_VALUE no limit maxMemory Total..
Hibernate noob fetch join problem mode auto 2639 main INFO org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory Maximum outer join fetch depth 2 2639 main INFO org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory..
create java console inside the panel ta int ml if ml 1 throw new IoEscape IoEscape.GENERAL Maximum lines of ml in TextAreaOutputStream constructor is not permitted.. lines this TextArea will hold. public synchronized int getMaximumLines return maxLines Set the number of lines this TextArea will.. lines this TextArea will hold. public synchronized void setMaximumLines int val maxLines val INSTANCE METHODS public..
Error creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' : MalformedParameterizedTypeException any given time. prop key hibernate.c3p0.max_size 9 prop Maximum number of Connections a pool will maintain at any given time...
Maximum number of enum elements in Java number of enum elements in Java What is the maximum number..
What does Java option -Xmx stand for? Xmx80m So in simple words you are saying Java to use Maximum of 1024 MB from available memory. Notice there is NO SPACE between..
Maximum size of a method in java? size of a method in java I come to know that the maximum size..
javax.usb.UsbException: Properties file not found version decodeBCD descriptor.bcdUSB System.out.println Maximum control packet size descriptor.bMaxPacketSize0 public static..
Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing? I avoid the use of set Preferred Maximum Minimum Size methods in Java Swing Several times I've been.. the following methods setPreferredSize setMinimumSize setMaximumSize on Swing components. I don't see any alternative to their..
List of useful environment settings in Java data 3 1 midiDeviceInfo ii .getDescription data 4 0 Maximum Transmitters data 5 0 Maximum Receivers try MidiDevice midiDevice.. ii .getDescription data 4 0 Maximum Transmitters data 5 0 Maximum Receivers try MidiDevice midiDevice MidiSystem.getMidiDevice..
Maximum size of HashSet, Vector, LinkedList size of HashSet Vector LinkedList What is the maximum size..
String's Maximum length in Java - calling length() method Maximum length in Java calling length method My question is very basic..
How to use wait and notify in Java? many multiplications have we done int maxActions randomize Maximum number of actions allowed for int i 0 i size i result rowNum..