

java Programming Glossary: math.sin

Draw a circle with a radius and points around the edge


x int Math.round a r Math.cos t int y int Math.round b r Math.sin t g2d.fillOval x r2 y r2 2 r2 2 r2 private static void create..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


trueCourse Math.toRadians bearing double lat Math.asin Math.sin latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin angularDistance.. Math.sin latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos trueCourse double dlon Math.atan2.. Math.cos trueCourse double dlon Math.atan2 Math.sin trueCourse Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.cos..

Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis


p2x i p2x i int p2x i Math.cos Math.toRadians 1 p2y i Math.sin Math.toRadians 1 p2y i int p2x i Math.sin Math.toRadians 1.. 1 p2y i Math.sin Math.toRadians 1 p2y i int p2x i Math.sin Math.toRadians 1 p2y i Math.cos Math.toRadians 1 Point2D original..

How do i align this text correctly?


radius float x float Math.cos radians scale float y float Math.sin radians vars.length i vars.length radius 2 1.7f g.drawRect int..

draw polar graph in java


w h for double t 0 t 2 Math.PI t dt double x w Math.sin 5 t w double y h Math.sin 4 t h path.lineTo x y g2d.setColor.. t 0 t 2 Math.PI t dt double x w Math.sin 5 t w double y h Math.sin 4 t h path.lineTo x y g2d.setColor Color.blue g2d.draw path..

Calculate distance in meters when you know longitude and latitude in java [duplicate]


lat2 lat1 double dLng Math.toRadians lng2 lng1 double a Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLat 2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.cos.. dLng Math.toRadians lng2 lng1 double a Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLat 2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.cos Math.toRadians.. Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat2 Math.sin dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt..