java Programming Glossary: maths
Java image resize, maintain aspect ratio share improve this question This is a simple bit of maths really. But here we go Dimension imgSize new Dimension 500 100..
How to design an algorithm to calculate countdown style maths number puzzle to design an algorithm to calculate countdown style maths number puzzle I have always wanted to do this but every time.. to be able to understand and code is for the countdown maths problem Given set of number X1 to X5 calculate how they can..
Line crosses Rectangle - how to find the cross points? improve this question Honestly I don't understand the maths but... Essentially you have 5 lines. The original line and the..
How to export a JAR file including my classes and other jar files (extracted) using Eclipse? I have developped common code like xml parsers loggers maths calculations debug utilities and such. This library is based..
MathML and Java Render MathML particularly important Do any other cool maths ey things like re arrange equations in terms of different things..
How to get the time since midnight in seconds time clock share improve this question Try this simple maths System.out.println Number of seconds since midnight second minute..
ResultSet to Pagination useful. It also contains some useful language agnostic maths to get the Google like pagination nicely to work. share improve..
Java maths - testing for NaN maths testing for NaN I would like to have some kind of project wide..
ArithmeticException thrown during BigDecimal.divide but they still use division right . You did high school maths right You did learn about how for example when you divide by..
Splitting a simple maths expression with regex a simple maths expression with regex I am trying to have a regular expression..
noob: Why divide always produces 0.0 float/integer problem? numbers '0 1024' and I want to bring them into '0 255' the maths would dictate to divide the input by the maximum the input will..
Graphing the pitch (frequency) of a sound
Is it safe when compare 2 float/double directly in Java? value often denoted by a greek 'epsilon' character in the maths literature . However you need to be a bit careful how you do..
Recommended Java maths/stats library [closed] Java maths stats library closed Can someone recommend a good statistics..