java Programming Glossary: max_buffer_size
Android:“Unexpected end of stream” exception downloading large files a url which is 33 MB large. Here the download task try int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 URL mUrl new URL params 0 HttpURLConnection connection.. downloaded 0 int read byte buffer new byte int length MAX_BUFFER_SIZE MAX_BUFFER_SIZE int length String filename getFilename mUrl.. 0 int read byte buffer new byte int length MAX_BUFFER_SIZE MAX_BUFFER_SIZE int length String filename getFilename mUrl File file new File..
Java Large Files Disk IO Performance final int MIN_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 8 private static final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 1024 private String fileName1 private String fileName2.. currentBufferSize MIN_BUFFER_SIZE while currentBufferSize MAX_BUFFER_SIZE compareWithBufferSize currentBufferSize currentBufferSize 2.. int myBufferSize MIN_BUFFER_SIZE while myBufferSize MAX_BUFFER_SIZE start System.currentTimeMillis totalbytes 0 compareWithBufferSizeFutures..