java Programming Glossary: maxsize
Pacman open/close mouth animation private double size private double rotation final int maxSize 4 static File home new File System.getProperty user.home static.. IOException double angle Math.PI 2 3d double num double maxSize BufferedImage bi getPacManImage angle Color.WHITE images.mkdirs.. PacManShape 100 double ii Math.PI 2d for int jj 0 jj pms.maxSize jj pms.savePacManImage ii jj Desktop.getDesktop .open images..
Is there a PriorityQueue implementation with fixed capacity and custom comparator? private int elementsLeft public FixedSizePriorityQueue int maxSize super new NaturalComparator this.elementsLeft maxSize public.. int maxSize super new NaturalComparator this.elementsLeft maxSize public FixedSizePriorityQueue int maxSize Comparator E comparator.. maxSize public FixedSizePriorityQueue int maxSize Comparator E comparator super comparator this.elementsLeft maxSize..
How is the fork/join framework better than a thread pool? pixels are in dst threadPool is a cached thread pool int maxSize 100000 analogous to F J's sThreshold List Future futures new.. Send stuff to thread pool for int i 0 i src.length i maxSize int size Math.min maxSize src.length i ForkBlur task new ForkBlur.. pool for int i 0 i src.length i maxSize int size Math.min maxSize src.length i ForkBlur task new ForkBlur src i size dst Future..