java Programming Glossary: matrix
Cannot create an array of LinkedLists in Java…? of LinkedLists in Java&hellip I'm working on a sparse matrix class that needs to use an array of LinkedLists to store the.. to use an array of LinkedLists to store the values of a matrix. Each element of the array i.e. each LinkedList represents a.. of the array i.e. each LinkedList represents a row of the matrix. And each element in the LinkedLists represents a column and..
QR Code encoding and decoding using zxing program shouldn't be able to get here return get a byte matrix for the data ByteMatrix matrix writer.. get here return get a byte matrix for the data ByteMatrix matrix writer new QRCodeWriter try matrix writer.encode.. matrix writer new QRCodeWriter try matrix writer.encode data width..
How to represent double values as circles in a 2d matrix in java to represent double values as circles in a 2d matrix in java so I want to write a matrix explorer which enables.. as circles in a 2d matrix in java so I want to write a matrix explorer which enables me to reorder rows and columns of a matrix... explorer which enables me to reorder rows and columns of a matrix. For this porpouse I used the Jtable class. Now the problem..
Sparse matrices / arrays in Java heard any opinions on its quality. java algorithm sparse matrix sparse array share improve this question Maybe Colt is of..
Performance of Java matrix math libraries? [closed] of Java matrix math libraries closed We are computing something whose runtime.. We are computing something whose runtime is bound by matrix operations. Some details below if interested. This experience.. have experience with the performance of Java libraries for matrix math e.g. multiply inverse etc. For example JAMA http
How to use wait and notify in Java? counter int i 0 Rows counter System.out.println The result matrix of the multiplication is while i creator.getmThreads .length..
Android Gallery with pinch zoom screen height header height 2 I am not so good at using Matrix . Anyone has idea of how to make the customized gallery to work..
Rotate a saved bitmap in android newWidth width float scaleHeight float newHeight height Matrix matrix new Matrix matrix.postScale scaleWidth scaleHeight matrix.postRotate.. float scaleHeight float newHeight height Matrix matrix new Matrix matrix.postScale scaleWidth scaleHeight matrix.postRotate x..
Bounding ellipse 1 N u 1 N ones N 1 Khachiyan Algorithm while err tolerance Matrix multiplication diag u if u is a vector places the elements of..
Java inverse matrix calculation linearalgebra import Jama.LUDecomposition import Jama.Matrix public class JamaDemo public static void main String args double.. answer 1 2 3 this is the answer that you should get. Matrix a new Matrix values a.print 10 2 LUDecomposition luDecomposition.. 1 2 3 this is the answer that you should get. Matrix a new Matrix values a.print 10 2 LUDecomposition luDecomposition new LUDecomposition..
How to map java's AffineTransform to android's Matrix? to map java's AffineTransform to android's Matrix Suppose I initialize an AffineTransform as below AffineTransform.. 2 3 4 5 6 7 How would I create an equivalent Matrix using android's sdk java android share improve this question.. m11 m12 y m10x m11y m12 1 0 0 1 1 1 Not sure but perhaps Matrix m new Matrix m.setValues new float 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 1 EDIT Commenter..
how to configure hibernate config file for sql server Documentation Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 2.0 Support Matrix for Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver share improve this answer..
Iterator for array
Default XML namespace, JDOM, and XPath Wood actor actor Ian McKellen actor dvd dvd id B title The Matrix title length 136 length actor Keanu Reeves actor actor Laurence..
Is there a commonly used rational numbers library in Java? entities including Polynomial Rational Vector Rational and Matrix Rational . As an example a function to obtain the lowest common..
How can I use a custom bitmap for the “you are here” point in a MyLocationOverlay? import import import import android.location.Location.. mContext.getResources R.drawable.arrow_green Matrix matrix new Matrix matrix.postRotate mOrientation Bitmap rotatedBmp.. R.drawable.arrow_green Matrix matrix new Matrix matrix.postRotate mOrientation Bitmap rotatedBmp Bitmap.createBitmap..