java Programming Glossary: maxw
How to make JTabbedPane autoresize to fit page dimensions? public class Test private static int maxW 0 private static int maxH 0 public static void main String args.. Dimension nd new Dimension originalTabsDim.width maxW panelDim.width originalTabsDim.height maxH panelDim.height.. p.setBackground color p.setPreferredSize new Dimension w h maxW Math.max w maxW maxH Math.max h maxH return p share improve..
Image resize in Grails as IIO import java.awt.Graphics2D static resize bytes out maxW maxH AWTImage ai new ImageIcon bytes .image int width ai.getWidth.. ' float aspectRatio width height float requiredAspectRatio maxW maxH int dstW 0 int dstH 0 if requiredAspectRatio aspectRatio.. dstW 0 int dstH 0 if requiredAspectRatio aspectRatio dstW maxW dstH Math.round maxW aspectRatio else dstH maxH dstW Math.round..
Swing GroupLayout: Resizing and limiting component sizes any luck public void componentResized ComponentEvent e int maxW parentFrame.getWidth 3 for JLabel l labels l.setMaximumSize.. setPreferredSize new Dimension Math.min l.getSize .width maxW l.getMaximumSize .height groupLayout.invalidateLayout getContentSpace..