java Programming Glossary: math.round
Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image image.getWidth image.getHeight getSize int scaleWidth int Math.round image.getWidth scaleFactor int scaleHeight int Math.round image.getHeight.. Math.round image.getWidth scaleFactor int scaleHeight int Math.round image.getHeight scaleFactor Image scaled image.getScaledInstance..
Java Bouncing Ball the speed and direction... add new Ball red 10 int Math.round Math.random 20 10 int Math.round Math.random 20 add new Ball.. add new Ball red 10 int Math.round Math.random 20 10 int Math.round Math.random 20 add new Ball blue 10 int Math.round Math.random.. 10 int Math.round Math.random 20 add new Ball blue 10 int Math.round Math.random 20 10 int Math.round Math.random 20 public class..
JProgressBar won't update Exception for int index 0 index 1000 index int progress Math.round float index 1000f 100f setProgress progress Thread.sleep 10..
How to make line animation smoother? protected int getRandomNumber int range return int Math.round Math.random range protected Color getRandomColor return new..
Multiple bouncing balls thread issue count 0 public static int random int maxRange return int Math.round Math.random maxRange public BouncingBalls int width int height.. Ball public static int random int maxRange return int Math.round Math.random maxRange private BouncingBalls balls int x random.. count 0 public static int random int maxRange return int Math.round Math.random maxRange public BouncingBalls int width int height..
Draw a circle with a radius and points around the edge for int i 0 i n i double t 2 Math.PI i n int x int Math.round a r Math.cos t int y int Math.round b r Math.sin t g2d.fillOval.. Math.PI i n int x int Math.round a r Math.cos t int y int Math.round b r Math.sin t g2d.fillOval x r2 y r2 2 r2 2 r2 private static..
Round a double to 2 decimal places factor long Math.pow 10 places value value factor long tmp Math.round value return double tmp factor This breaks down badly with a..
Best way to represent a fraction in Java? Integer.MAX_VALUE longValue public long longValue return Math.round doubleValue public float floatValue return float doubleValue..
How do I format a number in java? r bd.doubleValue System.out.println r r is 5.12 f float Math.round n 100.0f 100.0f DecimalFormat df2 new DecimalFormat # ### ###..
Changing the shapes of points in scatter plot i for int j 0 j values i .length j double x Math.round rand.nextDouble 500 double y Math.round rand.nextDouble 500.. j double x Math.round rand.nextDouble 500 double y Math.round rand.nextDouble 500 series.add x y xySeriesCollection.addSeries.. switch to setSeriesShape . Also skip the XYDotRenderer and Math.round . import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Dimension import java.awt.Shape..