java Programming Glossary: maxh
How to make JTabbedPane autoresize to fit page dimensions? class Test private static int maxW 0 private static int maxH 0 public static void main String args final JFrame f new JFrame.. maxW panelDim.width originalTabsDim.height maxH panelDim.height tabs.setPreferredSize nd f.pack f.setContentPane..
Image resize in Grails import java.awt.Graphics2D static resize bytes out maxW maxH AWTImage ai new ImageIcon bytes .image int width ai.getWidth.. aspectRatio width height float requiredAspectRatio maxW maxH int dstW 0 int dstH 0 if requiredAspectRatio aspectRatio dstW.. dstW maxW dstH Math.round maxW aspectRatio else dstH maxH dstW Math.round maxH aspectRatio BufferedImage bi new BufferedImage..