

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uipickertable

Fixed labels in the selection bar of a UIPickerView


with that 'objectAtIndex 5' you can do something like the following to find the view to get on top of define @class UIPickerTable NSMutableArray tables NSMutableArray alloc init for id i in picker.subviews if i isKindOfClass UIPickerTable class tables..

iPhone - UIScrollView and UIDatePicker scrolling conflict : the one interfer with the second


NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event inContentView UIView view if view isKindOfClass UIDatePicker class @ UIPickerTable isEqualToString view class description view isKindOfClass UIPicker class return YES return super touchesShouldBegin touches.. event inContentView view BOOL touchesShouldCancelInContentView UIView view if view isKindOfClass UIDatePicker class @ UIPickerTable isEqualToString view class description return NO return super touchesShouldCancelInContentView view @end And in IB set the..

Responding to touchesBegan in UIPickerView instead of UIView


in the subclass won't be called but will return a subview exactly the view at index 4 an undocumented subclass called UIPickerTable . The trick is to make the UIView hitTest CGPoint point withEvent UIEvent event method to return self so you have control.. in order to keep the standard functionalities of the UIPickerView you MUST remember to call them again but on the UIPickerTable subview. I hope this makes sense. I can't write code now as soon as I'm at home I will edit this answer and add some code...