

2014/10/15 ¤U¤Č 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uipasteboard

What is a long-term method I can use to uniquely identify an iOS device?


to have a generated unique ID that you can share between apps or persist between installs you should look at using the UIPasteboard and saving your generated UID with a key that you share between apps. Create a unique id as a string CFUUIDRef theUUID CFUUIDCreate.. CFUUIDCreate NULL CFStringRef string CFUUIDCreateString NULL theUUID create a new pasteboard with a unique identifier UIPasteboard pasteboard UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName @ youruniquestring create YES pasteboard setPersistent YES save the unique identifier.. string CFUUIDCreateString NULL theUUID create a new pasteboard with a unique identifier UIPasteboard pasteboard UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName @ youruniquestring create YES pasteboard setPersistent YES save the unique identifier string that we..

In the iOS SDK, how can I help my users send MMS intermixed with SMS from my app?


iphone ios sms mms share improve this question I had the same troubles when sending MMS. I resolved it in this way UIPasteboard generalPasteboard .image yourImage UIApplication sharedApplication openURL NSURL URLWithString @ sms So first I copied the..

How to get UIMenuController work for a custom view?


YES The menu instance is ready but it doesn't show the width is always zero. Or is there some sample code on this UIPasteboard UIMenuController topic iphone cocoa touch iphone sdk 3.0 uimenucontroller share improve this question I was not able..

how to send MMS from iPhone app


this question This will work fine MFMessageComposeViewController picker MFMessageComposeViewController alloc init UIPasteboard pasteboard UIPasteboard generalPasteboard pasteboard.persistent YES pasteboard.image UIImage imageNamed @ PDF_File.png NSString.. will work fine MFMessageComposeViewController picker MFMessageComposeViewController alloc init UIPasteboard pasteboard UIPasteboard generalPasteboard pasteboard.persistent YES pasteboard.image UIImage imageNamed @ PDF_File.png NSString phoneToCall @ sms..

Insert string at cursor position of UITextField


contents first and restore them afterward. For convenience here is my code Get a reference to the system pasteboard UIPasteboard lPasteBoard UIPasteboard generalPasteboard Save the current pasteboard contents so we can restore them later NSArray lPasteBoardItems.. them afterward. For convenience here is my code Get a reference to the system pasteboard UIPasteboard lPasteBoard UIPasteboard generalPasteboard Save the current pasteboard contents so we can restore them later NSArray lPasteBoardItems lPasteBoard.items..

WebKit on th iPhone: is it possible to copy text to the clipboad with JavaScript


discussed in Nick Dalton's presentation here to pull information out of your web view then call an appropriate UIPasteboard method. edit My apologies ”didn't read the post correctly. If it's in the main Safari app as opposed to one whose UIWebView..

Enable copy and paste on UITextField without making it editable


BOOL becomeFirstResponder if super becomeFirstResponder self.highlighted YES return YES return NO void copy id sender UIPasteboard board UIPasteboard generalPasteboard board setString self.text self.highlighted NO self resignFirstResponder void touchesEnded.. if super becomeFirstResponder self.highlighted YES return YES return NO void copy id sender UIPasteboard board UIPasteboard generalPasteboard board setString self.text self.highlighted NO self resignFirstResponder void touchesEnded NSSet touches..

How to simulate the delete key on UITextField?


backward NSLog @ @ text textField.text text return NO else return YES It works hand in hand with the UIPasteboard method for getting text into a UITextField which means that you have to link up your delete key to a method that pastes..

UIWebView - Enabling Action Sheets on <img> tags


NSURL URLWithString selectedLinkURL else if actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex buttonIndex isEqualToString @ Copy UIPasteboard generalPasteboard setString selectedLinkURL else if actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex buttonIndex isEqualToString @ Copy Image.. setString selectedLinkURL else if actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex buttonIndex isEqualToString @ Copy Image UIPasteboard generalPasteboard setString selectedImageURL else if actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex buttonIndex isEqualToString @ Save Image..