

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uinsbundleadditions



239 7 UIKit 0x00a79721 UINib instantiateWithOwner options 1041 8 UIKit 0x00a7b4b5 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 168 9 UIKit 0x0088a9bb UIApplication _loadMainNibFile 172 10 UIKit 0x0088b90d UIApplication..

this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key authView


388 10 UIKit 0x3224b577 UINib instantiateWithOwner options 586 11 UIKit 0x3224cb39 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 92 12 UIKit 0x3209e871 UIApplication _loadMainNibFile 96 13 UIKit 0x3209a1fd UIApplication..

NSInternalInconsistencyException Could not load nib in bundle


NSException raise format 34 4 UIKit 0x330d2a53 UINib instantiateWithOwner options 1110 5 UIKit 0x330d3e09 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 92 6 UIKit 0x3304d5e9 UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed bundle 36 7 UIKit 0x3301afa5 UIViewController..

Why is viewDidLoad called twice when the rootViewController property of UIWindow is set?


in NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector #7 0x00217d23 in UINib instantiateWithOwner options #8 0x00219ab7 in NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options #9 0x0001f17a in UIApplication _loadMainNibFile #10 0x0001fcf4 in UIApplication _runWithURL payload.. in foozaViewController awakeFromNib #2 0x00217f26 in UINib instantiateWithOwner options #3 0x00219ab7 in NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options #4 0x0001f17a in UIApplication _loadMainNibFile #5 0x0001fcf4 in UIApplication _runWithURL payload..

How are XIBs loaded for localized apps?


NSException raise format 58 4 UIKit 0x008050fa UINib instantiateWithOwner options 2024 5 UIKit 0x00806ab7 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 168 6 UIKit 0x0060c17a UIApplication _loadMainNibFile 172 7 UIKit 0x0060ccf4 UIApplication..

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException'


239 7 UIKit 0x00219d23 UINib instantiateWithOwner options 1041 8 UIKit 0x0021bab7 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 168 9 UIKit 0x0002117a UIApplication _loadMainNibFile 172 10 UIKit 0x00021cf4 UIApplication..