

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uipagecontrol

Is UIPageControl Useless By Itself?


UIPageControl Useless By Itself I've been looking into using the UIPageControl for a scrolling part of an application and I was wondering.. UIPageControl Useless By Itself I've been looking into using the UIPageControl for a scrolling part of an application and I was wondering how it works. The docs show methods for changing pages setting.. setting the number of pages etc. but by itself the page control doesn't encompass any kind of scroll view. Are the UIPageControl and UIScrollView classes supposed to be used in conjunction when one wants to show the page indicator like on the home screen..

UIPageControl Help


Help I need to use UIPagecontrol for my application and I'm not sure how to get started. I'm a beginner and the examples..

how to programatically set the current page for UIPageControl?


to programatically set the current page for UIPageControl I have 3 pages page 0 page 1 page 2 in a UIScrollView that are snapped to by finger swipes. There is a UIPageControl there.. UIPageControl I have 3 pages page 0 page 1 page 2 in a UIScrollView that are snapped to by finger swipes. There is a UIPageControl there too. The UIScrollView starts off presenting page 0. What I want to do is present page 3 FIRST sometimes. How can I.. What I want to do is present page 3 FIRST sometimes. How can I do this programatically. Simply setting currentPage of UIPageControl to the page number does nothing by the way. iphone xcode uiviewcontroller uiscrollview uipagecontrol share improve this..

How can i change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl?


can i change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl I am developing an application in which I want to change either color or image of UIPageControl pagination dots. How can.. of pagination dots of UIPageControl I am developing an application in which I want to change either color or image of UIPageControl pagination dots. How can I change it Is it possible to customize UIpageControl on above scenario iphone ios uipagecontrol.. 5 pageControl.delegate self self addSubview pageControl Header file PageControl.h Replacement for UIPageControl because that one only supports white dots. Created by Morten Heiberg morten@heiberg.net on November 1 2010. #import UIKit..

Is there a way to change page indicator dots color


for page control Thanks in advance iphone colors uipagecontrol share improve this question We customized the UIPageControl to use a custom image for the page indicator I have listed the guts of the class below... GrayPageControl.h @interface GrayPageControl.. image for the page indicator I have listed the guts of the class below... GrayPageControl.h @interface GrayPageControl UIPageControl UIImage activeImage UIImage inactiveImage GrayPageControl.m id initWithCoder NSCoder aDecoder self super initWithCoder aDecoder.. NSInteger page super setCurrentPage page self updateDots Then in the View Controller we just use it like a normal UIPageControl IBOutlet GrayPageControl PageIndicator Edit In the view controller that has the GrayPageControl I have an IBAction that..

How to implement Page control in iphone app?


to implement Page control in iphone app I am preparing an iPhone app where I need something similar to UIPageControl. Can you please tell me what I can do How can I implement a page control in an iPhone app Help me please. Any tutorials..

Horizontal UIScrollView inside a UITableViewCell


to show the same way as the AppStore presents screenshots of an app inside a horizontal UIScrollView with its attached UIPageControl. So I add my UIScrollView and my UIPageControl to my UITableViewCell just like that @implementation phVolumePreviewCell.. of an app inside a horizontal UIScrollView with its attached UIPageControl. So I add my UIScrollView and my UIPageControl to my UITableViewCell just like that @implementation phVolumePreviewCell id init if self super initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault.. setScrollEnabled YES scrollView setDelegate self self.contentView addSubview scrollView scrollView release pageControl UIPageControl alloc initWithFrame CGRectZero pageControl setNumberOfPages previews count pageControl setBackgroundColor UIColor grayColor..

What properties can I set via an UIAppearance proxy?


nonatomic retain UIImage backIndicatorImage @property nonatomic retain UIImage backIndicatorTransitionMaskImage UIPageControl iOS 6.0 @property nonatomic retain UIColor pageIndicatorTintColor @property nonatomic retain UIColor currentPageIndicatorTintColor..

How to create a paging scrollView with space between views


colors.count space colors.count 1 self.scrollView.frame.size.height iphone objective c scrollview uipagecontrol share improve this question It sounds like you want a œgutter between the pages so that each page fills the scroll view..

Page count of UICollectionView with paging in iOS


might change if items are added deleted the size of the collection view changes or the layout changes iphone ios ios6 uipagecontrol uicollectionview share improve this question If the UICollectionView scrolls horizontally you divide its contentSize..

How to implement views to the pagecontrol


Has anyone a good tutorial or a examplecode where i can look at it can be german too Thanks Michael iphone uiview uipagecontrol share improve this question Here's a simple idea of how to use it. PageController.h #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface..

how to programatically set the current page for UIPageControl?


currentPage of UIPageControl to the page number does nothing by the way. iphone xcode uiviewcontroller uiscrollview uipagecontrol share improve this question From the PageControl example To go directly to a particular section of the scrollView use..

How can i change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl?


pagination dots. How can I change it Is it possible to customize UIpageControl on above scenario iphone ios uipagecontrol share improve this question I ran into this problem today and decided to write my own simple replacement class. It's..

Is there a way to change page indicator dots color


patched and bad. Is there a way to change just the dots color for page control Thanks in advance iphone colors uipagecontrol share improve this question We customized the UIPageControl to use a custom image for the page indicator I have listed..

how do i use a UIPageControl?


The problem is that I have absolutely no idea how to use a page control. Any help at all is appreciated. iphone image uipagecontrol share improve this question There is an example here and you can read the documentation here . Try downloading and running..

How do you combine UIScrollview with UIPagecontrol to show different views?


view. A lot like the home screen of the iPhone or ESPN Scorecenter app. Please Help Thank you. iphone uiscrollview uipagecontrol share improve this question I created this universal solution as examples found was to complicated and this is readable..

How to implement Page control in iphone app?


app Help me please. Any tutorials would be a great help to me because I'm a newb in iPhone programming. iphone ios4 uipagecontrol iphone sdk 4.0.1 share improve this question You just need to refer to this tutorial. http www.edumobile.org iphone..

UIScollview with paging enabled (like a simple image gallery)


need a UIScrollView and page control but don't know how to do it. Anyone Thank You iphone xcode uiscrollview gallery uipagecontrol share improve this question Follow http blog.proculo.de index.php url archives 180 Paging enabled UIScrollView With..