

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uipageviewcontroller

iPad : UIPageViewController navigationOrientation


UIPageViewController navigationOrientation I want the navigationOrientation of my UIPageViewController to change when I change the orientation.. UIPageViewController navigationOrientation I want the navigationOrientation of my UIPageViewController to change when I change the orientation of my UIViewController . That is when the device is rotated to portrait I want the.. my UIViewController . That is when the device is rotated to portrait I want the navigationOrientation to change from UIPageViewControllerNavigationOrientationVertical to UIPageViewControllerNavigationOrientationHorizontal . I tried setting navigationOrientation..

UIPageViewController in iOS6


in iOS6 In iOS6 in the methods viewControllerAfterViewController and viewControllerBeforeViewController if I return nil.. I had the same issue. I found that the cause was replacing the delegate on the UIPanGestureRecognizer of the UIPageViewController a no no really. The pan gesture recognizer was calling an undocumented method _gestureRecognizerShouldBegin note the leading.. gesture recognizer was calling an undocumented method _gestureRecognizerShouldBegin note the leading underscore that UIPageViewController implements and apparently relies upon to work properly read not crash . I ended up implementing respondsToSelector and forwardingTargetForSelector..

UIPageViewController returns no Gesture Recognizers in iOS 6


returns no Gesture Recognizers in iOS 6 I am trying to disable the pan gesture recognizer for a UIPageViewController. On.. returns no Gesture Recognizers in iOS 6 I am trying to disable the pan gesture recognizer for a UIPageViewController. On iOS 5 I can loop through them and disable them. for UIGestureRecognizer recognizer in self.pageViewController.gestureRecognizers.. if recognizer isKindOfClass UIPanGestureRecognizer class recognizer.enabled NO On iOS 6 using UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll there are no gesture recognizers returned by the Page View Controller. Clarification This can be boiled..

Cannot Impliment UITextview inside a UIPageViewController


Impliment UITextview inside a UIPageViewController I have a strange issue I have a page app in which one page I had used a UITextView but when I tap on the UITextView it.. but when I tap on the UITextView it moves to the next page can't write anything on it. There is no issue when I use UIPageViewControllerTransitionStylePageCurl . The only issue is with UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll . Anyone know the solution please.. anything on it. There is no issue when I use UIPageViewControllerTransitionStylePageCurl . The only issue is with UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll . Anyone know the solution please help me iphone ios objective c ipad uipageviewcontroller share..

PageViewController: How to release ViewControllers added to it?


NSArray arrayWithObject startingViewController self.pageViewController setViewControllers viewControllers direction UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated NO completion NULL So far so good. Then you need to set up a source your model Controller.. NSUInteger index NSUInteger indexOfViewController PageView viewController UIViewController pageViewController UIPageViewController pageViewController viewControllerBeforeViewController UIViewController viewController UIViewController pageViewController.. viewControllerBeforeViewController UIViewController viewController UIViewController pageViewController UIPageViewController pageViewController viewControllerAfterViewController UIViewController viewController The last two are called if you turn..

iPad : UIPageViewController navigationOrientation


is read only. Here are the images what I want. Landscape View Portrait View What should I do iphone objective c ipad uipageviewcontroller share improve this question Good question. Don't know why but it seems as if Apple doesn't want you to change that property...

RTL languages uipageviewcontroller animation


languages uipageviewcontroller animation I know this question is typique and it was asked many times in the forum but I still cannot solve my problem.. would be GREAT I am creating a book application in the arabic languages and I need to perform the transitions of the uipageviewcontroller from right to left. And thats all I have to say. One more thing if I hadn't explain very well my self I have the exact need.. if someone can explain me or give me a link where I can have how to do it that would be more than enough iphone ios5 uipageviewcontroller right to left share improve this question It can be done in this way Swipe the code of pageViewController's datasource..

UIPageViewController in iOS6


0 doesn't match the number required 1 for the requested transition' In iOS5 all works good. iphone ios objective c uipageviewcontroller share improve this question I had the same issue. I found that the cause was replacing the delegate on the UIPanGestureRecognizer..

UIPageViewController returns no Gesture Recognizers in iOS 6


around this I don't think I am doing anything wrong since the curl transition works fine. iphone objective c uikit uipageviewcontroller share improve this question There is a bug filed in radar for this behavior. So I bet that until Apple fixes it there..

Cannot Impliment UITextview inside a UIPageViewController


with UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll . Anyone know the solution please help me iphone ios objective c ipad uipageviewcontroller share improve this question I ran into the same issue myself and it appears that it's a consequence of some default..