

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uipicker

Custom iOS UIDatepicker using UIAppearance


this question The API does not provide a way to do this. You can make a pretty convincing replica yourself using a UIPickerView rather than using UIDatePicker. As the UIDatePicker or UIPickerView don't have the UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR and even you.. make a pretty convincing replica yourself using a UIPickerView rather than using UIDatePicker. As the UIDatePicker or UIPickerView don't have the UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR and even you can't change UIDatePicker contents' appearance as its UIControl and.. contents' appearance as its UIControl and not having any delegate so it has its native appearance whereas in case of UIPickerView you can change its contents' appearance similar as in UITableView. #pragma mark #pragma mark UIPicker Delegate DataSource..

Adding a combo box or drop-down list to UIView


iphone combobox uiview interface builder share improve this question The standard practice here is to either use a UIPicker or push a TableViewController to the stack and return once the user has selected an option here. share improve this answer..

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


UIPickerView a Button in Action sheet How My application requires following things to be added in an action sheet. UIToolbar Button.. sheet How My application requires following things to be added in an action sheet. UIToolbar Button on UIToolbar UIPicker Control I have included an image to understand my requirements. Could you please explain how this can be implemented iphone..

Difficulty with apps with a forced landscape orientation


the things I have found is that my first view will look fine but all other views come up with their subviews UIButtons UIPicker UIViews squeezed to one side or clipped depending on whether the elements were set to move resize or stay in the same position..

Why isn't the UIPickerView widthForComponent delegate method called everytime the view appears?


isn't the UIPickerView widthForComponent delegate method called everytime the view appears I've got two controls on an iPhone screen a TableView.. delegate method called everytime the view appears I've got two controls on an iPhone screen a TableView and a UIPickerView. When you select the single cell in the TableView you're taken to another screen where you're show a list of clothing.. item from the list takes you back to the first screen. Based on your selection the number of components in the UIPickerView is changed 1 4 and each component is populated with relevant data. Let's say you have three items in you clothing type..

Bottom pop-up UIPicker?


pop up UIPicker Is the UIPicker that pops up from the bottom of the screen when an action is called just a basic UIPickerView that is coordinated.. pop up UIPicker Is the UIPicker that pops up from the bottom of the screen when an action is called just a basic UIPickerView that is coordinated in a certain.. pop up UIPicker Is the UIPicker that pops up from the bottom of the screen when an action is called just a basic UIPickerView that is coordinated in a certain way Like a UIActionSheet How would I implement that iphone uipickerview share improve..

Fixed labels in the selection bar of a UIPickerView


labels in the selection bar of a UIPickerView In the clocks application the timer screen shows a picker probably a UIPicker in UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer mode.. labels in the selection bar of a UIPickerView In the clocks application the timer screen shows a picker probably a UIPicker in UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer mode with some text in the selection bar hours and mins in this case . edit Note that.. move when the picker wheel is rolling. Is there a way to show such fixed labels in the selection bar of a standard UIPickerView component I did not find any API that would help with that. A suggestion was to add a UILabel as a subview of the picker..

How to create drop down list box for an iphone app


advance. iphone share improve this question No such thing exists. You can either create your own control or use UIPicker. Creating your own drop down control is quite a bunch of work compared to using the Picker and unless that particular control.. to using the Picker and unless that particular control is mission critical I'd recommend you figure out how to use UIPicker inside your existing design. Not only does it already exist but users are familiar with it and know how to use it. There..

How To Populate UIPicker with Current Day of week + Date,


To Populate UIPicker with Current Day of week Date I am looking for some code that will allow my uipicker to be populated like this We are talking..

iPhone - UIScrollView and UIDatePicker scrolling conflict : the one interfer with the second


NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event inContentView UIView view if view isKindOfClass UIDatePicker class @ UIPickerTable isEqualToString view class description view isKindOfClass UIPicker class return YES return super touchesShouldBegin.. if view isKindOfClass UIDatePicker class @ UIPickerTable isEqualToString view class description view isKindOfClass UIPicker class return YES return super touchesShouldBegin touches withEvent event inContentView view BOOL touchesShouldCancelInContentView.. event inContentView view BOOL touchesShouldCancelInContentView UIView view if view isKindOfClass UIDatePicker class @ UIPickerTable isEqualToString view class description return NO return super touchesShouldCancelInContentView view @end And in IB..

UIPicker sizing in landscape mode


sizing in landscape mode I am trying to develop an app with a UIPicker in landscape mode taking up almost the entire width.. sizing in landscape mode I am trying to develop an app with a UIPicker in landscape mode taking up almost the entire width of the screen with 5 or 6 components . Can you please tell me how to.. taking up almost the entire width of the screen with 5 or 6 components . Can you please tell me how to set the size of UIPicker. Thank you very much for your help. iphone cocoa touch landscape share improve this question Actually I resize my pickers..

How to create dropdown box?


Round UIButton


How to get image path from photo library and how to retrieve the image from photo library in iphone?


self presentModalViewController picker animated YES picker release void imagePickerController UIImagePickerController UIPicker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo NSDictionary info UIPicker dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES imageview.image info objectForKey.. release void imagePickerController UIImagePickerController UIPicker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo NSDictionary info UIPicker dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES imageview.image info objectForKey UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage NSLog Image..