

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uint16

How do I read data using CocoaAsyncSocket?


AsyncSocket sock NSLog @ disconnected void onSocket AsyncSocket sock didConnectToHost NSString host port UInt16 port NSLog @ connected EDIT if memory serves me right there is some documentation and also some examples available with..

where to start with audio synthesis on iPhone


1 m_outFormat.mChannelsPerFrame 2 m_outFormat.mBytesPerPacket m_outFormat.mBytesPerFrame sizeof UInt16 2 m_outFormat.mBitsPerChannel 16 m_outFormat.mReserved 0 OSStatus result AudioQueueNewOutput m_outFormat BleepMachine..

AsyncUdpSocket how to use receive


the method BOOL onUdpSocket AsyncUdpSocket sock didReceiveData NSData data withTag long fromHost NSString host port UInt16 port Well i put a NSLog in that method and it is never called. Well socket receive .. is the only receive method so i guess.. like this BOOL onUdpSocket AsyncUdpSocket sock didReceiveData NSData data withTag long tag fromHost NSString host port UInt16 port Try calling receiveWithTimeout with a non zero timeout value. May give you different results. Use Wireshark to make..

parsing NSData object for information


to get the data I need out of it. the structure of the data objects inside the objects are like this leading value UInt16 tells me what section of the response it is Size of string UInt32 or number UInt32 String not null terminated i.e. followed..