

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uinavigationitem

iPhone: Error when using the FPPopover class when using it with a UIBarButtonItem


bar along with the bar button UINavigationBar navBar UINavigationBar alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 320 0 320 44 UINavigationItem navItem UINavigationItem alloc initWithTitle @ By Clubs navBar pushNavigationItem navItem animated NO UIBarButtonItem editButton.. bar button UINavigationBar navBar UINavigationBar alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 320 0 320 44 UINavigationItem navItem UINavigationItem alloc initWithTitle @ By Clubs navBar pushNavigationItem navItem animated NO UIBarButtonItem editButton UIBarButtonItem..

iPhone: UINavigationBar with buttons - adjust the height


view I created the UINavigationBar by myself and I am able to set the frame for the correct size but the embedded UINavigationItem with UIBarButtonItem doesn't shrink. So for the 34 px in the landscape mode this button is to big and overlaps the navbar.. initWithTitle NSLocalizedString @ flip @ flip style UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target self action @selector flip item UINavigationItem alloc initWithTitle NSLocalizedString @ Translation @ Translation Tab Bar Title item setRightBarButtonItem barButton navBar..

iPhone: Setting Navigation Bar Title


is simply a view you need to push a navigation item containing the title or modify the last navigation item UINavigationItem item UINavigationItem alloc initWithTitle @ title text ... bar pushNavigationItem item animated YES item release or bar.topItem.title.. view you need to push a navigation item containing the title or modify the last navigation item UINavigationItem item UINavigationItem alloc initWithTitle @ title text ... bar pushNavigationItem item animated YES item release or bar.topItem.title @ title..

How to add a button to UINavigationBar?


rightButton UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ Done style UIBarButtonItemStyleDone target nil action nil UINavigationItem item UINavigationItem alloc initWithTitle @ Title item.rightBarButtonItem rightButton item.hidesBackButton YES bar pushNavigationItem.. UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ Done style UIBarButtonItemStyleDone target nil action nil UINavigationItem item UINavigationItem alloc initWithTitle @ Title item.rightBarButtonItem rightButton item.hidesBackButton YES bar pushNavigationItem item animated..

Prevent the animation when clicking “Back” button in a navigation bar?


before your @implementaion in the root view controller. #import AppDelegate.h @implementation UINavigationBar custom UINavigationItem popNavigationItemAnimated BOOL animated AppDelegate delegate UIApplication sharedApplication delegate delegate.navController..

UIBarButtonItem icon white when added via IB, black when added programmatically


UIBarButtonItemStylePlain which should normally render the icon's outline in white but the rightBarButtonItem of a UINavigationItem just like the left is not allowed the UIBarButtonItemStylePlain. It's implicitly converted to UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered...

Draw custom Back button on iPhone Navigation Bar


uinavigationbar back button share improve this question You need to set up a custom stack of UINavigationItem objects and push them on to the UINavigationBar. This is the only way I know of to get a true back button. I haven't tested.. is the only way I know of to get a true back button. I haven't tested this code but you should do something like this UINavigationItem previousItem UINavigationItem alloc initWithTitle @ Back title autorelease UINavigationItem currentItem UINavigationItem.. get a true back button. I haven't tested this code but you should do something like this UINavigationItem previousItem UINavigationItem alloc initWithTitle @ Back title autorelease UINavigationItem currentItem UINavigationItem alloc initWithTitle @ Main Title..

Change UINavigationItem colour


UINavigationItem colour I need to set custom colors to my UINavigationBar buttons. I'm doing the following thing RGB func is a define void..

How to disable the edit button that appears in the more section of a UITabBarController?


UIViewController viewController animated BOOL animated UINavigationBar morenavbar navigationController.navigationBar UINavigationItem morenavitem morenavbar.topItem We don't need Edit button in More screen. morenavitem.rightBarButtonItem nil Now it won't..

UINavigationItem titleView “ignored if leftBarButtonItem is set”?


titleView &ldquo ignored if leftBarButtonItem is set&rdquo The documentation for UINavigationItem's titleView property.. titleView &ldquo ignored if leftBarButtonItem is set&rdquo The documentation for UINavigationItem's titleView property says This property is ignored if leftBarButtonItem is not nil. However I've set both the titleView..

UINavigationController and autorotation


directly on top of the navigation controller's bar. You could copy the configuration of the current view controller's UINavigationItem and push it on Place the new navigation controller off screen at the right edge Animate the movement of the new and old.. at the right edge Animate the movement of the new and old controllers' frames from right to left Create a copy of the UINavigationItem for the incoming view controller and push it on the dummy navigation bar When the animation completes remove the dummy UINavigationBar..

Custom background for UINavigationBar problems


are displayed above other views in the navigation bar. Any ideas Thanks Mike iphone uinavigationbar uibarbuttonitem uinavigationitem share improve this question Following the description from here I suggest adding a category to the nav bar. @implementation..

How do I change the title of the “back” button on a Navigation Bar


self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.title @ Log Out What should I do Thanks. iphone objective c uinavigationbar uinavigationitem share improve this question I edited this to provide the definitive answer This should be placed in the method that..

iPhone: UINavigationBar with buttons - adjust the height


barButton navBar pushNavigationItem item animated NO Thanks Tom iphone height uinavigationbar uibarbuttonitem uinavigationitem share improve this question I figured it out The height of the navigation bar must be 32 px With 33 or 34 px the alignment..

set custom back bar button universally with no title


a fixed frame no title back bar button item for all controllers in the app. iphone ios objective c uinavigationbar uinavigationitem share improve this question I've had a similar problem before and I've searched everywhere for a solution. The only..

iPhone: Setting Navigation Bar Title


what's happening and how to get it happening right Thanks iphone objective c uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar uinavigationitem share improve this question The view controller must be a child of some UINavigationController for the .title property..

iPhone Title and Subtitle in Navigation Bar


manner like the default title of the navigation item. Any pointers Thanks iphone uinavigationcontroller title uinavigationitem subtitle share improve this question Make the titleView and subtitleView labels into properties of the view controller..

Adding back button to navigation bar


display the navigation bar. The app is view based not navigation controller based. iphone cocoa touch uinavigationbar uinavigationitem share improve this question If you're using a navigation controller MyViewController _myViewController MyViewController..

Adjusting navigationItem.titleView's frame?


titleLabel self.navigationItem.titleView.frame CGRectMake 100 0 180 44 this doesn't work either iphone uinavigationitem share improve this question Sometime inbetween inbetween your view controller's viewWillAppear viewDidAppear the navigation..

Setting Bar Button Item color in a custom navigation bar


color for this right button. Is there any way to change this color Thank you. iphone cocoa touch ios4 uinavigationbar uinavigationitem share improve this question Hi Not to my knowledge the button inherits the tint color of the navigationBar. What you..

Placing a custom view based UIBarButtonItem in the navigation bar without default horizontal padding


UIEdgeInsetsMake 0.0f 10.0f 0.0f 0.0f return customButtonItem iphone ios uinavigationbar uibarbuttonitem uinavigationitem share improve this question 55As commented above the solution I went with is based on this answer to a different but..

iphone - Custom UIBarButtonItem for back button


like this My image is the back button How can I get rid of the border What am I doing wrong iphone uibarbuttonitem uinavigationitem share improve this question Your image is appearing inside of a back button and it is apparently from your screenshot..

custom back button on navigation bar


have style like in this question Draw custom Back button on iPhone Navigation Bar iphone ios uinavigationcontroller uinavigationitem share improve this question Try this UIBarButtonItem barBtnItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ Back style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered..

How do I vertically correct the navigationBar's titleView text position when using a custom font?


for this strange offset you get when you are using custom fonts in a navbar iphone ios uilabel uinavigationbar uinavigationitem share improve this question Your can set a new view as titleView then add a new label to it UIView customTitleView UIView..

UINavigationItem titleView “ignored if leftBarButtonItem is set”?


some older versions e.g. 4.2 3.x that I haven't been able to test iphone uinavigationcontroller uikit uinavigationbar uinavigationitem share improve this question Check the documentation for property leftBarButtonItems it says If there is not enough room..