

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uint8

Iphone - How to encrypt NSData with public key and decrypt with private key?


const size_t BUFFER_SIZE 64 const size_t CIPHER_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 const uint32_t PADDING kSecPaddingNone static const UInt8 publicKeyIdentifier com.apple.sample.publickey static const UInt8 privateKeyIdentifier com.apple.sample.privatekey @implementation.. const uint32_t PADDING kSecPaddingNone static const UInt8 publicKeyIdentifier com.apple.sample.publickey static const UInt8 privateKeyIdentifier com.apple.sample.privatekey @implementation ViewController SecKeyRef getPublicKeyRef OSStatus sanityCheck.. NSLog @ init plainBuffer s plainBuffer NSLog @ init sizeof plainBuffer d sizeof plainBuffer self encryptWithPublicKey UInt8 plainBuffer cipherBuffer cipherBuffer NSLog @ encrypted data s cipherBuffer NSLog @ init sizeof cipherBuffer d sizeof cipherBuffer..

RSA implementations in Objective C


const size_t BUFFER_SIZE 64 const size_t CIPHER_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 const uint32_t PADDING kSecPaddingNone static const UInt8 publicKeyIdentifier com.apple.sample.publickey static const UInt8 privateKeyIdentifier com.apple.sample.privatekey @implementation.. const uint32_t PADDING kSecPaddingNone static const UInt8 publicKeyIdentifier com.apple.sample.publickey static const UInt8 privateKeyIdentifier com.apple.sample.privatekey @implementation ViewController SecKeyRef getPublicKeyRef OSStatus sanityCheck.. NSLog @ init plainBuffer s plainBuffer NSLog @ init sizeof plainBuffer d sizeof plainBuffer self encryptWithPublicKey UInt8 plainBuffer cipherBuffer cipherBuffer NSLog @ encrypted data s cipherBuffer NSLog @ init sizeof cipherBuffer d sizeof cipherBuffer..

How to get the RGB values for a pixel on an image on the iphone


variables size_t bytesPerRow size_t byteCount size_t pixelCount CGContextRef context CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace UInt8 pixelByteData A pointer to an array of RGBA bytes in memory RPVW_RGBAPixel pixelData The pixel struct with alpha in this.. for receiver self CFDataRef bitmapData Buffer holding raw pixel data copied from Quartz CGImage held in receiver self UInt8 pixelByteData A pointer to the first pixel element in an array RGBPixel pixelData Step 4. Subclass code I put in a method..

Getting pixel data from UIImageView — works on simulator, not device


CGDataProviderRef provider CGImageGetDataProvider cgImage CFDataRef bitmapData CGDataProviderCopyData provider const UInt8 data CFDataGetBytePtr bitmapData size_t offset width y x 4 UInt8 red data offset UInt8 blue data offset 1 UInt8 green data.. bitmapData CGDataProviderCopyData provider const UInt8 data CFDataGetBytePtr bitmapData size_t offset width y x 4 UInt8 red data offset UInt8 blue data offset 1 UInt8 green data offset 2 UInt8 alpha data offset 3 CFRelease bitmapData color.. provider const UInt8 data CFDataGetBytePtr bitmapData size_t offset width y x 4 UInt8 red data offset UInt8 blue data offset 1 UInt8 green data offset 2 UInt8 alpha data offset 3 CFRelease bitmapData color UIColor colorWithRed red..

Image processing Glamour filter in iphone


CGImage CGDataProviderRef provider CGImageGetDataProvider cgImage CFDataRef bitmapData CGDataProviderCopyData provider UInt8 data UInt8 CFDataGetBytePtr bitmapData int width image.size.width int height image.size.height NSInteger myDataLength width.. provider CGImageGetDataProvider cgImage CFDataRef bitmapData CGDataProviderCopyData provider UInt8 data UInt8 CFDataGetBytePtr bitmapData int width image.size.width int height image.size.height NSInteger myDataLength width height.. image.size.width int height image.size.height NSInteger myDataLength width height 4 for int i 0 i myDataLength i 4 UInt8 r_pixel data i UInt8 g_pixel data i 1 UInt8 b_pixel data i 2 int outputRed r_pixel .393 g_pixel .769 b_pixel .189 int outputGreen..

Drawing bezier curves with my finger in iOS?


BezierStateDefiningCP1 BezierStateDefiningCP2 @interface BezierView UIView CGPoint startPt endPt cPt1 cPt2 UInt8 state UIBezierPath curvePath @private UITouch currentTouch @property nonatomic retain UIBezierPath curvePath @end BezierView.m..

Extract iPod Library raw PCM samples and play with sound effects


blockBufferRef CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer sampleBufferRef size_t length CMBlockBufferGetDataLength blockBufferRef UInt8 buffer length CMBlockBufferCopyDataBytes blockBufferRef 0 length buffer NSData data NSData alloc initWithBytes buffer length..

Source for a good, simple, soft modem library


#include limits.h #include math.h #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979324 #endif typedef unsigned char uchar uint8 typedef signed char schar int8 typedef unsigned short ushort uint16 typedef short int16 typedef unsigned int uint typedef.. uint BitSampleCnt uint Data uint DataLeft double Phase double PhaseIncrement uint pTxGetDataCallBack struct tTx uint8 tTx void TxInit tTx pTx uint SampleRate uint pTxGetDataCallBack tTx uint8 memset pTx 0 sizeof pTx pTx State stSendingOnes.. uint pTxGetDataCallBack struct tTx uint8 tTx void TxInit tTx pTx uint SampleRate uint pTxGetDataCallBack tTx uint8 memset pTx 0 sizeof pTx pTx State stSendingOnes pTx SampleRate SampleRate pTx OnesFreq 1300 pTx ZeroesFreq 2100 pTx BitRate..