

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uinavigation

How to get a uinavigation bar back button to return to anthother view controller


to get a uinavigation bar back button to return to anthother view controller How would I go about having a UINavigation controller navigate not to the previous view but the view before that. Basically I would like it to jump back 2 places instead..

what is retain count in objective c?


is retain count in objective c I have a UITableView as my first screen with a UINavigation controller. In my first screen I NSLog @ Home Screen retain Count d self retainCount and it logs 6 in when its viewDidLoad..

What happens if I don't retain IBOutlet?


I will assume that at some point the the view is off the screen perhaps it is used in the context of a UINavigationController and that at some point your application gets a memory warning. So lets say your UIViewController subclass needs.. management semantics are not contained within the setter. Now let's say a different view controller is pushed on the UINavigation Controller's stack so that this view is no longer in the foreground. In the case of a memory warning the view of this offscreen..

Setting title for UINavigation bar in iphone


title for UINavigation bar in iphone I am adding image to navigation bar it works fine but when i want to add title self.title @ Activity it does.. addSubview titleLabel iphone ipad uinavigationbar title share improve this question Instead of add Image in UINavigationBar set background Image using bellow code.. UINavigationBar navBar self navigationController navigationBar UIImage backgroundImage.. title share improve this question Instead of add Image in UINavigationBar set background Image using bellow code.. UINavigationBar navBar self navigationController navigationBar UIImage backgroundImage UIImage imageNamed @ Nav.png navBar setBackgroundImage..

Why doesn't Apple allow subclassing of UINavigationController? And what are my alternatives to subclassing?


doesn't Apple allow subclassing of UINavigationController And what are my alternatives to subclassing I'm currently building a tabbed iPhone application where each tab's.. to subclassing I'm currently building a tabbed iPhone application where each tab's view controller is an instance of UINavigationController and where every subcontroller of every one of the UINavigationController instances is an instance of UITableViewController.. each tab's view controller is an instance of UINavigationController and where every subcontroller of every one of the UINavigationController instances is an instance of UITableViewController . Ideally I'd like to subclass UINavigationController so that..

How to set the text of a back button on a UINavigationBar? [duplicate]


to set the text of a back button on a UINavigationBar duplicate Possible Duplicate How do I change the title of the &ldquo back&rdquo button on a Navigation Bar The Situation.. n' such.. The Problem I don't know how to set the back button's text. The Question How do I set the back button of the UINavigation bar programmatically not in IB Thanks dudes. And good luck to the nominees of the 2010 moderator election. iphone xcode..

UINavigationBar not updating on 'back' in landscape


not updating on 'back' in landscape I'm working on a UINavigationController driven iPad app testing in the simulator.. not updating on 'back' in landscape I'm working on a UINavigationController driven iPad app testing in the simulator . There are only two UIViewControllers on the nav controllers stack... button things go haywire. The view controller stack is updated properly e.g. I see the SetupController's view but the UINavigationBar is not updated properly. The UINavigation bar items associated with the ContentController are still displayed. To see..

Programatically Switching Views in Cocoa Touch


programatically push pop them to produce this behaviour but if I wanted to simply change the current view not using a UINavigation controller object what is the neatest way to achive this A simple example imagine an application with a single button when..

iPhone UINavigation Issue - nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar


UINavigation Issue nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar I keep getting the following errors 2011 04 02 14 55.. call the following when a certain button is pushed EventsViewController viewController EventsViewController alloc init UINavigationController navController UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController viewController navController.navigationBar.tintColor.. is pushed EventsViewController viewController EventsViewController alloc init UINavigationController navController UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController viewController navController.navigationBar.tintColor UIColor blackColor self..

Iphone can I use uitableview for this purpose


can I use uitableview for this purpose I plan to use a UINavigation controller with UITableView for a multi page questionary application here below how my questions looks like My question..

self.tabBarItem.title not working?


not working In my iPhone application I have a tab bar. This tab bar holds a UINavigationController. I have In Interface Builder set the tab item title to 'Create New' In the UINavigation controller I have self.tabBarItem.title.. This tab bar holds a UINavigationController. I have In Interface Builder set the tab item title to 'Create New' In the UINavigation controller I have self.tabBarItem.title 'Create New' and self.title 'Create New' In the UIViewController pushed onto the..

How can i add more than 10 buttons on a navigationbar in iphone application development?


using animation it will show the next buttons whose are out of the view and same as for previous button. For Details UINavigation Bar leftBaritem previous button view rightBaritem next button view will contain 8 buttons. If I explain again then it should..

change the color of navigation bar of UINavigationController


the color of navigation bar of UINavigationController I m trying to change the color of navigation bar of UINavigationController by using self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor.. the color of navigation bar of UINavigationController I m trying to change the color of navigation bar of UINavigationController by using self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor UIColor brownColor in the below given code but its.. Override point for customization after application launch. self.viewController uitextviewViewController alloc init UINavigationController navigationController UINavigationController alloc init self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor UIColor..