

c++ Programming Glossary: threads

What is “cache-friendly” code?


to be overwritten again and again. Effectively different threads make each other wait by inducing cache misses in this situation...

Why should exceptions be used conservatively?


of dynamic objects calling destructors interlocking of threads Hard to analyze Many of the problems of the goto statement apply..

What is the lifetime of a static variable in a C++ function?


a local static as above and 'foo' is called from multiple threads you may have race conditions causing 'plonk' to be initialized..

Simple example of threading in C++


post a simple example of starting two Object Oriented threads in C . I'm looking for actual C thread objects that I can extend..

Finding C++ static initialization order problems


will only be initialized once even in the presence of threads. Please note DO NOT use the double checked locking pattern to..

Optimizing away a “while(1);” in C++0x


cout Hello std endl It apparently has something to do with threads and optimization capabilities. It looks to me that this can.. Without these transformations a loop might block all other threads while they wait for the one thread to finish said loop. I use..

Stack,Static and Heap in C++


times you go into a function call or class and in how many threads the variable is referring to the same memory location. The heap.. versus virtual memory and fragmentation . Multiple threads will require multiple stacks the process generally reserves..

When to use volatile with multi threading?


to use volatile with multi threading If there are two threads accessing a global variable then many tutorials say make the.. and it thus not getting updated correctly. However two threads both accessing a shared variable is something which calls for..

Operator Precedence vs Order of Evaluation


as thread above this could also just as well be a pool of threads all executing in parallel so you don't get any guarantee about.. executing in parallel just like if you used multiple threads on architectures with which most of us are more familiar. Summary..

Array index out of bound in C


part of the already allocated stack space most OS's and threads reserve a certain portion of memory for stack . As long as you..

how to achieve 4 FLOPs per cycle


double double start omp_get_wtime #pragma omp parallel num_threads tds double ret test_dp_mac_SSE 1.1 2.1 iterations sum omp_get_thread_num.. out sum c cout sum out endl cout endl free sum int main threads iterations test_dp_mac_SSE 8 10000000 system pause Output 1.. GFlops . This code achieves 17.3 GFlops not bad. Output 8 threads 10000000 iterations Compiled with Visual Studio 2010 SP1 x64..

Sleep less than one millisecond


will wake up after exactly the time specified. In fact threads don't 'wake up' at all but are rather chosen for execution by..

Example for boost shared_mutex (multiple reads/one write)?


data safe but it's expensive because I would like multiple threads to be able to read simultaneously and only lock them out when.. is needed the updating thread could wait for the other threads to finish . I think this is what boost shared_mutex is supposed..

Can I create a software watchdog timer thread in C++ using Boost Signals2 and Threads?


watchdog timer thread in C using Boost Signals2 and Threads I am running function Foo from somebody else's library in a.. and solution If not would Boost's Signals2 library and Threads do the trick c boost thread boost signals watchdog share..

Extend the life of threads with synchronization (C++11)


on different memory areas depending on the passed arg . Threads are then joined the main performs some data mixing between the.. alive removing the long time necessary to create them. Threads should sleep when the main is working and notified when they.. std endl std cout s.str return j int main const int numThreads 4 const int numJobsPerThread 10 std vector std future void futures..

Is std::string thead-safe with gcc 4.3?


c multithreading string share improve this question Threads are not yet part of the standard. But I don't think that any..

C++0x memory model and speculative loads/stores


pages about threads and the memory model in C 0x Boehm Threads Cannot be Implemented as a Library Boehm and Adve Foundations..

BOOST libraries in multithreading-aware mode


More than that I'm really confused by having BOOST Threads library compiled in NO thread aware regime with no mt in the..

Boost Thread tutorials [closed]


1.37 and the only links I found on the web were Boost 1.37 Threads http www.boost.org doc libs 1_37_0 doc html thread.html What's.. doc libs 1_37_0 doc html thread.html What's New in Boost Threads Recent changes to the Boost Thread library http www.ddj.com..

Cancelling a thread using pthread_cancel : good practice or bad


determines a set of cancellation points man 7 pthreads . Threads can be cancelled only at those points. If your infinite loop..

Mutex example / tutorial?


Then how do threads know that the region is locked UPDATE Threads know that the region is locked by Memory Fencing . And isn't..

Multithreading reference?


Performance Sutter ™s Mill Effective Concurrency Use Threads Correctly Isolation Asynchronous Messages Thread Synchronization.. in a multithreading environment by using Visual C# Use Threads Correctly Isolation Asynchronous Messages Parallel and Multi..

How to name a thread in Linux?


linux multithreading share improve this question Posix Threads This evidently won't compile but it will give you an idea of..

how to achieve 4 FLOPs per cycle


Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Visual Studio 2010 SP1 x64 Release Threads 1 Seconds 72.1116 FP Ops 960000000000 FLOPs 1.33127e 010 sum.. Peak 4 flops 3.5 GHz 14.0 GFlops . Actual is 13.3 GFlops . Threads 8 Seconds 149.576 FP Ops 7680000000000 FLOPs 5.13452e 010 sum.. 3.2 GHz Ubuntu Linux 10 x64 GCC 4.5.2 x64 O2 msse3 fopenmp Threads 1 Seconds 78.3357 FP Ops 960000000000 FLOPs 1.22549e 10 sum..

Concurrency: Atomic and volatile in C++11 memory model


further and the single global ordering no longer applies. Threads don't even necessarily have to agree on the ordering of two..