

c++ Programming Glossary: this_thread

Is there a way to cancel/detach a future in C++11?


chrono #include thread using namespace std int sleep_10s this_thread sleep_for chrono seconds 10 cout Sleeping Done n return 3 int..

A simple example of boost multithreading [closed]


To check for interrupt without sleep use boost this_thread interruption_point which also throws boost thread_interrupted.. which also throws boost thread_interrupted boost this_thread sleep boost posix_time milliseconds 500 catch boost thread_interrupted..

Massive CPU load using std::lock (c++11)


bool cond false done false void Take_Locks while done std this_thread sleep_for std chrono seconds 1 std unique_lock std mutex lock1.. mutex lock2 mutex2 std defer_lock std lock lock1 lock2 std this_thread sleep_for std chrono seconds 1 lock1.unlock lock2.unlock void.. thread t4 Conditional_Code std cout threads started n std this_thread sleep_for std chrono seconds 10 std unique_lock std mutex lock1..

Sleep function in C++


Thank you c share improve this question Use std this_thread sleep_for std chrono milliseconds timespan 111605 or whatever.. std chrono milliseconds timespan 111605 or whatever std this_thread sleep_for timespan There is also the complimentary std this_thread.. sleep_for timespan There is also the complimentary std this_thread sleep_until . Prior to C 11 C had no thread concept and no sleep..

std::this_thread::sleep_for() and GCC


this_thread sleep_for and GCC When I try to compile this simple program.. to compile this simple program #include thread void f std this_thread sleep_for std chrono seconds 3 int main std thread t f t.join.. a.cpp o a I get error ˜sleep_for is not a member of ˜std this_thread I looked in header 'thread'. sleep_for is protected with _GLIBCXX_USE_NANOSLEEP..

c++ boost get current time in milliseconds


ptime t1 boost posix_time second_clock local_time boost this_thread sleep boost posix_time millisec 500 boost posix_time ptime t2.. mst1 boost posix_time microsec_clock local_time boost this_thread sleep boost posix_time millisec 500 boost posix_time ptime mst2..

Memory model ordering and visibility?


void thread_2 while ready.load memory_order_acquire std this_thread yield assert i 42 thread_2 spins until it reads true from ready..

boost asio async_write : how to not interleaving async_write calls?


void strand_push std string str std cout pushing boost this_thread get_id std endl m_queue.push str if is_writing write..

multithreading on dual core machine?


namespace std using boost thread using namespace boost this_thread using boost posix_time seconds void f1 for int i 0 i 10 i cout..