

c++ Programming Glossary: thread1

Kill Thread in Pthread Library


Thread in Pthread Library I use pthread_create thread1 attrs ... ... and need if some condition occured need to kill..

A very simple thread pool using pthreads in C++


2 40 to the compiled program. valgrind v tool helgrind . thread1 2 40 12394 Helgrind a thread error detector 12394 Copyright.. and LibVEX rerun with h for copyright info 12394 Command . thread1 2 40 12394 12394 Valgrind options 12394 suppressions usr lib.. 12394 Reading syms from home rybu prog regina exercise thread1 0x400000 12394 Reading syms from lib ld 2.11.1.so 0x4000000..

Do child threads exit when the parent thread terminates


calls beginthreadex endthreadex. I create a child thread thread1. The child thread runs on a function which never exits as it..

C++0x has no semaphores? How to synchronize threads?


thread void thread0 ... doSomething0 event1.wait ... void thread1 ... doSomething1 event1.post ... If I would do that with a mutex.. ... doSomething0 event1.lock event1.unlock ... void thread1 ... event1.lock doSomethingth1 event1.unlock ... Problem It's.. ... Problem It's ugly and it's not guaranteed that thread1 locks the mutex first Given that the same thread should lock..

Mutex example / tutorial?


lock.release releases the lock duh int main tbb_thread my_thread1 someFunction create a thread which executes 'someFunction' tbb_thread.. someFunction tbb_thread my_thread3 someFunction my_thread1.join This command causes the main thread which is the 'calling.. which is the 'calling thread' in this case to wait until thread1 completes its task. my_thread2.join my_thread3.join share..

How to emit cross-thread signal in Qt?


thanks to moveToThread . MySignal should be sent from thread1 thought I'm not sure on that one it might be sent from main.. it doesn't really matter . No event loop is needed in thread1 since emitting a signal doesn't need an event loop. An event..

Volatile and CreateThread


tchar.h using namespace std bool done false DWORD WINAPI thread1 LPVOID args while done cout Thread 1 done n return 0 DWORD.. 2 done n return 0 int _tmain int argc _TCHAR argv DWORD thread1Id HANDLE hThread1 DWORD thread2Id HANDLE hThread2 hThread1 CreateThread.. thread2Id HANDLE hThread2 hThread1 CreateThread NULL 0 thread1 NULL 0 thread1Id hThread2 CreateThread NULL 0 thread2 NULL 0..

Measuring NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access). No observable asymmetry. Why?


i bm.size i os numa_bitmask_isbitset bm i return os void thread1 void x size_t core size_t N size_t M pin_to_core core void y.. x size_t N 10000000 size_t M 50 boost thread t1 boost bind thread1 x 0 N M t1.join for size_t i 0 i numcpus i boost thread t2..