

c++ Programming Glossary: thread_func

Extend the life of threads with synchronization (C++11)


exit The thread function executed by each thread void thread_func thread_data pData std unique_lock std mutex l pData m std defer_lock.. int tdi 0 for auto td threads td.id tdi td.t std thread thread_func td Start assigning jobs to each thread... for auto td threads..

Attaching Member function of a class in pthread


extern C function as a trampoline class foo public void thread_func extern C void thread_func void arg return static_cast foo arg.. trampoline class foo public void thread_func extern C void thread_func void arg return static_cast foo arg thread_func foo f pthread_create.. C void thread_func void arg return static_cast foo arg thread_func foo f pthread_create ... thread_func f share improve this..

static thread function access non-static class member in C++


static class member in C Class Test int value static void thread_func void args value void newthread pthread_create thread_func ..... thread_func void args value void newthread pthread_create thread_func ... I'm trying to create a thread in Class Test. Therefore.. thread in Class Test. Therefore compiler forces me to make thread_func static. However I cannot access the non static member value..

Multithreading in c++


int m_id thread_data int id m_id id DWORD WINAPI thread_func LPVOID lpParameter thread_data td thread_data lpParameter cout.. return 0 int main for int i 0 i 10 i CreateThread NULL 0 thread_func new thread_data i 0 0 In this example each thread gets different.. which is passed as argument to the thread function thread_func . Read these to know how to create thread on windows http msdn.microsoft.com..