c++ Programming Glossary: threadid
Setting thread priority in Linux with Boost http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1479945/setting-thread-priority-in-linux-with-boost boost thread daThread int retcode int policy pthread_t threadID pthread_t daThread.native_handle struct sched_param param if.. struct sched_param param if retcode pthread_getschedparam threadID policy param 0 errno retcode perror pthread_getschedparam exit.. param.sched_priority 4 if retcode pthread_setschedparam threadID policy param 0 errno retcode perror pthread_setschedparam exit..
return() versus pthread_exit() in pthread start functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3692591/return-versus-pthread-exit-in-pthread-start-functions pthread_exit data int main int argc char argv pthread_t threadID taskdata t 10 10.0 Hello void status cout before t.x t.y t.z.. cout before t.x t.y t.z endl by return pthread_create threadID NULL task1 void t pthread_join threadID status taskdata ts taskdata.. pthread_create threadID NULL task1 void t pthread_join threadID status taskdata ts taskdata status cout after task1 ts x ts..
How do you use CreateThread for functions which are class members? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1372967/how-do-you-use-createthread-for-functions-which-are-class-members DWORD ThreadStart void Do stuff void startMyThread DWORD ThreadID CreateThread NULL 0 StaticThreadStart void this 0 ThreadID ..
“Step over” when debugging multithreaded programs in Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/336628/step-over-when-debugging-multithreaded-programs-in-visual-studio Dim FileName As String Dim LineNumber As Integer Dim ThreadID As String ' Get local references for ease of use myThread DTE.Debugger.CurrentThread.. FileName textSelection.DTE.ActiveDocument.FullName ThreadID myThread.ID ' Add a One Shot Breakpoint in current file on current.. bps DTE.Debugger.Breakpoints.Add FileName LineNumber 1 TID ThreadID ' Run to the next stop DTE.Debugger.Go True ' Remove our One..