

c++ Programming Glossary: this.

How to access MySQL from multiple threads concurrently


open one connection per thread And if so how do I even do this.. it seems mysql_real_connect returns the original DB handle..

Why typedef can not be used with static?


you use the type but not when you define the type. Like this.. typedef int int32 static int32 foo share improve this answer..

Getting started with OpenGL [closed]


www.glprogramming.com blue Hope you manage to go through this.. I didn't... another unfinished dream on my shelf. share improve..

c++ undefined references with static library


there is something i'm obviously missing generaly with this.. i bet it's something with symbols.. thx for any advices i know..

How would I convert decimal into binary?


there are many other resources on the web on how to do this.. A noteworthy question for efficiency of it here as you may..

declaring a const instance of a class


we have to do this const foo f foo I know why we can't do this.. const foo f though it compiles.. Interestingly the following..

Multiple inheritance + virtual function mess


disambiguation I'm assuming there is some syntax for this.. And is it possible for D to do that without knowing specifically..

pthread create error in c++ [duplicate]


AcceptLoop void delegate Please let me know how to fix this.. Thanks in advance. c pthreads share improve this question..

Ensuring C++ doubles are 64 bits


assume a char is 8 bits the standard does not guarantee this.. . Would be like this char a sizeof double CHAR_BIT 64 or BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT..

create new visual studio project, add files and run it - command line


file only.. so could anyone please let me know how to do this.. Thanks in advance.. c visual studio visual c command prompt..

Can't find PInvoke DLL - BUG?


in PInvoke RF PWF.dll Please anybody help me out this.. What is the issues... c# c visual c windows mobile share..