

c++ Programming Glossary: thresh

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Advanced square detection


int ch c 0 mixChannels blurred 1 gray0 1 ch 1 try several threshold levels const int threshold_level 2 for int l 0 l threshold_level.. 1 gray0 1 ch 1 try several threshold levels const int threshold_level 2 for int l 0 l threshold_level l Use Canny instead.. threshold levels const int threshold_level 2 for int l 0 l threshold_level l Use Canny instead of zero threshold level Canny..

Square detection doesn't find squares


were made but the main ones are Decrease the number of threshold levels to 2 . In the beginning of findSquares dilate the.. . squares n Using OpenCV version s n CV_VERSION n endl int thresh 50 N 2 karlphillip decreased N to 2 was 11. const char wndname.. c int ch c 0 mixChannels timg 1 gray0 1 ch 1 try several threshold levels for int l 0 l N l hack use Canny instead of zero..

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection


squares cv Mat pyr timg gray0 _image.size CV_8U gray int thresh 50 N 11 cv pyrDown _image pyr cv Size _image.cols 2 _image.rows.. 1 ch 1 for int l 0 l N l if l 0 cv Canny gray0 gray 0 thresh 5 cv dilate gray gray cv Mat cv Point 1 1 else gray gray0.. int ch c 0 mixChannels blurred 1 gray0 1 ch 1 try several threshold levels const int threshold_level 2 for int l 0 l threshold_level..

Use OpenCV Threshold with Kinect Image


and cvThreshold belongs to the C. You should use cv threshold instead double cv threshold const Mat src Mat dst double.. to the C. You should use cv threshold instead double cv threshold const Mat src Mat dst double thresh double maxVal int thresholdType.. instead double cv threshold const Mat src Mat dst double thresh double maxVal int thresholdType Parameters src Source array..