

c++ Programming Glossary: thread_2

Use same udp socket for async receive/send


calls on a single object. Thus this is safe thread_1 thread_2 socket.async_receive_from ... socket.async_send_to ..... ... socket.async_send_to ... and this is safe thread_1 thread_2 socket.async_receive_from ... socket.async_send_to ..... ... but this is specified as not being safe thread_1 thread_2 socket.async_receive_from ... socket.async_send_to .....

Why do I need strand per connection when using boost::asio?


on the object are unsafe. Thus this is safe thread_1 thread_2 socket.async_receive ... socket.async_write_some ... and.. socket.async_write_some ... and this is safe thread_1 thread_2 socket.async_receive ... socket.async_write_some ..... ... but this is specified as not being safe thread_1 thread_2 socket.async_receive ... socket.async_write_some ... ..

Memory model ordering and visibility?


thread_1 i 42 ready.store true memory_order_release void thread_2 while ready.load memory_order_acquire std this_thread yield.. memory_order_acquire std this_thread yield assert i 42 thread_2 spins until it reads true from ready . Since the store to ready..