

c++ Programming Glossary: this_type

How does boost bind work behind the scenes in general?


class R class F class L class bind_t public typedef bind_t this_type bind_t F f L const l f_ f l_ l #define BOOST_BIND_RETURN return..

Safe bool idiom in boost?


safe bool enabled class is expected to Provide a this_type type. Provide a T type. Provide a T px member variable. Boost.Spirit.Classic's.. int x px x 0 dummy 0 private typedef smart_ptr_bool this_type . typedef int T Required concepts when using T px ' smart_ptr's..

templates problem ('typename' as not template function parameter)


CharT Self type typedef basic_attribute_set CharT this_type public Character type typedef CharT char_type String type typedef..

1D or 2D array, what's faster?


template class T class simple public typedef simple T this_type typedef std vector T data_type typedef typename std vector.. size_type new_rows size_type new_cols using std begin this_type tmp new_rows new_cols for size_t i 0U i new_rows i m_rows i.. cols void const return m_cols data swapping void swap this_type rhs m_data.swap rhs.m_data std swap m_rows rhs.m_rows std swap..