

c++ Programming Glossary: thirdparty

Linking with multiple versions of a library


statically links with version X of a library libfoo from thirdparty vendor VENDOR1. It also links with a dynamic shared library.. with a dynamic shared library libbar from a different thirdparty vendor VENDOR2 that statically links version Y of libfoo from..

How to erase elements from boost::ptr_vector


1 ptr_vector_test.cpp 1 c users rvanhout svn trunk thirdparty boost range const_iterator.hpp 37 error C2825 'C' must be a.. when followed by ' ' 1 c users rvanhout svn trunk thirdparty boost mpl eval_if.hpp 63 see reference to class template instantiation.. compiled 1 with 1 1 C A 1 1 c users rvanhout svn trunk thirdparty boost range iterator.hpp 63 see reference to class template..