

c++ Programming Glossary: thread.hpp

Can I create a software watchdog timer thread in C++ using Boost Signals2 and Threads?


example #include boost date_time.hpp #include boost thread thread.hpp boost posix_time time_duration timeout boost posix_time milliseconds..

std::thread::join() hangs if called after main() exits when using VS2012 RC


#include string #include thread #include boost thread thread.hpp void SleepFor int ms std this_thread sleep_for std chrono milliseconds..

Thread pool using boost asio


boost asio.hpp #include iostream #include boost thread thread.hpp #include boost bind.hpp #include boost thread mutex.hpp #include.. using boost asio #include boost asio.hpp #include boost thread.hpp class thread_pool private boost asio io_service io_service_.. #include queue #include boost bind.hpp #include boost thread.hpp class thread_pool private std queue boost function void tasks_..

A simple example of boost multithreading [closed]


This is my minimal Boost threading example. #include boost thread.hpp #include iostream using namespace std void ThreadFunction int..

Setting thread priority in Linux with Boost


apply. #include iostream #include boost thread thread.hpp #include unistd.h #include sched.h #include cstdio void threadfunc..

Cmake: force use of non *-mt Boost libraries?


`boost thread join ' usr local include boost thread detail thread.hpp 754 undefined reference to `boost thread join_noexcept ' CMakeFiles.. start_thread ' usr local include boost thread detail thread.hpp 180 undefined reference to `boost thread start_thread_noexcept..

Boost.Thread throws bad_alloc exception in VS2010


throws bad_alloc exception in VS2010 Upon including boost thread.hpp I get this exception First chance exception at 0x7c812afb in.. VS is capable of catching it. The testcase #include boost thread.hpp int main return 0 Compiler command line I I SophisPal boost..

Code Blocks, Mingw, Boost, and static linking issues


that could be provided. #include iostream #include boost thread.hpp void myfunction std cout this is a thread std endl return int..

Where to get simple Boost Thread Management example?


and seems to work fine. #include iostream #include boost thread.hpp namespace this_thread boost this_thread int a 0 int b 0 int..

Python PyGILState_{Ensure/Release} causes segfault while returning to C++ from Python code


thread_data run this at usr include boost thread detail thread.hpp 61 #14 0x00007fabd725ca55 in thread_proxy from usr lib64 libboost_thread..

Can't link against Boost.Thread 1.46.1 with MinGW 4.5.2


ld returned 1 exit status Example program #include boost thread.hpp #include iostream int main std cout boost thread hardware_concurrency..

What exactly is join() in Boost? (C++)


to make a thread running. #include iostream #include boost thread.hpp class Worker public Worker the thread is not a thread until..

boost asio asynchronously waiting on a condition variable


#include iostream #include boost asio.hpp #include boost thread.hpp boost asio io_service io boost mutex mx boost condition_variable..

Measuring NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access). No observable asymmetry. Why?


#include numa.h #include iostream #include boost thread thread.hpp #include boost date_time posix_time posix_time.hpp #include..

multithreading on dual core machine?


4 threads at same time #include iostream #include boost thread.hpp using namespace std using boost thread using namespace boost..

Thread safe implementation of circular buffer


#include boost thread mutex.hpp #include boost thread thread.hpp #include boost circular_buffer.hpp Thread safe circular buffer..