

c++ Programming Glossary: think

Unnamed/anonymous namespaces vs. static functions


int cannotAccessOutsideThisFile ... namespace You would think that such a feature would be useless since you can't specify..

How come a non-const reference cannot bind to a temporary object?


forgot this was a temporary. If I were you I would rethink the design of my functions. Why is g accepting reference does.. Anyway based on your question and comments I don't think even these extra answers will satisfy you. Here is a final attempt..

What do the following phrases mean in C++: zero-, default- and value-initialization?


standard it doesn't exist in the original 1998 standard I think it might be the only difference that's more than a clarification..

In what cases do I use malloc vs new?


malloc is not typesafe at all. The only way I could think that would be beneficial to use malloc would be if you needed..

What are the rules about using an underscore in a C++ identifier?


any identifier ending with '_t' surprised me a lot. I think that is a POSIX standard not sure yet looking for clarification..

What does 'unsigned temp:3' mean? [duplicate]


Pass by Reference / Value in C++


reference pass by value share improve this question I think much confusion is generated by not communicating what is meant..

What are Aggregates and PODs and how/why are they special?


you may initialize only their first member with braces. I think that if you are advanced enough in C to even consider using..

Thou shalt not inherit from std::vector


This is tedious too actually. And here I am I really do think that I can simply inherit publicly from std vector but provide.. that this class should not be used polymorphically. I think most developers are competent enough to understand that this..

What's this STL vs. “C++ Standard Library” fight all about? [closed]


the stdlib that happen to be based on the SGI STL. People think it's the entire standard library. It gets put on CVs. And it..

What are the barriers to understanding pointers and what can be done to overcome them?


A memory address is in basic terms just a number. If you think of memory as a big array of bytes the very first byte has the.. does not really hold any meaning to you. It is best to think of a pointer as a black box ie. you don't really know or care..

What are the differences between pointer variable and reference variable in C++?


same address as the original variable itself it is safe to think of a reference as another name for the same variable. Note What..

Is there a way to instantiate objects from a string holding their class name?


each one of them Can I produce a class from this string I think this can be done in C# through Reflection. Is there something..

size of int, long, etc


char short int long double float and other types I didn't think of under different architectures and compilers. c c faq share..

Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords?


template typename U struct inUnion . The idea is simple I think Each UnionNode T Tail defines a template specialization inUnion..

WChars, Encodings, Standards and Portability


You really have to be prepared that everything you think you know is possibly wrong. For example you have to consider.. work or use a wrapper library that abstracts them away. I think I have to conclude that it's completely impossible to build..

Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?


a room number higher than you has checked out. So let's think about the stack. In many operating systems you get one stack..

Simple C++ Linked List


garbage collected like it will in Java. Sidebar Think of what happens like this when you do Node value NULL you're..

Understanding stack frame of function call in C/C++? [closed]


dedicated to that usage without specific hardware support Think about the execution or interpretation of a recursively defined..

Template issue causes linker error (C++)


no .cpp files. The reason is templates cannot be compiled. Think of functions as cookies and the compiler is an oven. Templates..

Scope of exception object in C++


outside of the scope of the block where the throw occurs. Think of it as living in a special exception area off to one side..

Why should exceptions be used conservatively?


written it may not have been maintained with that in mind. Think memory leaks file descriptor leaks socket leaks who knows Maintenance..

Using C++ library in C code


in separate header files that are not included by C. Think PIMPL principle here. Using #ifndef __cplusplus #error stuff..

How can I perform multiplication without the '*' operator?


java c c bit manipulation share improve this question Think about how you multiply in decimal using pencil and paper 12..

Can a member function template be virtual?


virtual functions c faq share improve this question Think about it for a while Q.1. How could you make a templated virtual..

boost spirit semantic action parameters


is only defined when the parser is part of a rule. Think of a parser as being any expression that consumes input where..

C++ - passing references to boost::shared_ptr


to void send_message const std shared_ptr std string msg Think of the performance enhancement this will bring Never mind that..

Functions with const arguments and Overloading


only on the constness of a non pointer non reference type. Think for instance if you were the compiler. Faced with the line cout..

Game Objects Talking To Each Other


let things listening for those messages to act upon them. Think of the Post MSG Data as an abstracted API to the different systems..

Why should one not derive from c++ std string class?


and free functions are what you should be using here. Think of it this way do you really want to force clients of your code..

Why copying stringstream is not allowed?


a bucket then stream is a hose through which data flows . Think of stream as some pipe through which you get data a pipe at..

C++: how to get fprintf results as a std::string w/o sprintf


needs to be set to the print results of an instance of A. Think of it as a to_str member function for A. In pseudocode class..

What is C++ Mixin-Style?


reused through direct inclusion in another piece of code. Think of it as inheritance without sub type polymorphism. The CRTP..

“No newline at end of file” compiler warning


preprocessor warnings share improve this question Think of some of the problems that can occur if there is no newline...

Of Memory Management, Heap Corruption, and C++


which is pretty good compared to the Windows equivalents. Think about using the Google Performance Tools as a replacement malloc..

How to use typelists


type may be a built in type or a type from a library. Think of the typelists as extensions of lists of types e.g. in std..

What's the difference between a header file and a library?


a bit that'd be great. c share improve this question Think of both like this Disclaimer this is a really high level analogy..