

c++ Programming Glossary: throughout

Is excessive use of this in C++ a code smell


with a large code base that uses the following construct throughout class MyClass public void f int x private int x void MyClass..

Memory allocation and deallocation across dll boundaries


the proper delete . You can see capture_allocator used throughout the version_1 types in the Adobe Source Libraries such as adobe..

Downloading and integrating Qt5 with Visual Studio 2012


AND SANDBOXING during the Qt nmake process and to be safe throughout this entire process . Internally Qt executes a number of executables..

Why does an overridden function in the derived class hide other overloads of the base class?


for integral zero i.e. NULL than any pointer type. So throughout the hierarchy calls to foo NULL resolve to one function while..

Why does C# not provide the C++ style 'friend' keyword?


The original Design Patterns book uses it regularly throughout its examples. So in summary why is friend missing from C# and..

How can I avoid including class implementation files?


macros which control header options should be consistent throughout a project oddball headers like assert.h cause problems and all..

Lifetime of a const string literal returned by a function


be its scope Will the memory pointed by retStr be occupied throughout the program or be released once the block A exits Thanks c..

C++ - passing references to boost::shared_ptr


be able to rely on a shared_ptr continuing to be non null throughout is for the function to allocate its own true shared_ptr rather.. Note that a similar bug would occur if we used std string throughout instead of std shared_ptr std string and instead of previous_message..

initializing std::string from char* without copy


strings and then you can just use that same C string throughout all of the remaining steps. See this link for more information..

What is memory fragmentation?


etc use dynamic memory allocation. If these are used throughout a program especially std string is memory fragmentation more..

is f(void) deprecated in modern C and C++


as int f Is there any reason not to replace void with throughout the codebase in order to improve consistency or is there a subtle..

Why should casting be avoided?


you could re design the code so the correct type was used throughout. Even seemingly innocuous conversions e.g. between integer and..

How do you convert LPCWSTR to const char *?


wchar_t so if you're dealing with wide character data throughout your application you may not need to convert it at all. share..

What is the best way to do input validation in C++ with cin?


system that processes input and needs to have high throughout. But if you need to read input from a terminal or a file you..

Can optimizations affect the ability to debug a VC++ app using its PDB?


the same stack address or register for multiple variables throughout a function. As other posters mentioned sometimes even figuring..

how do I print an unsigned char as hex in c++ using ostream?


print my variables correctly Edit I do this in many places throughout my code. Is there any way I can do this without casting to int..

Scope vs life of variable in C


output 4 2 4 In above program lifetime of variable x 4 is throughout the main i.e It remains alive throughout the execution of the.. variable x 4 is throughout the main i.e It remains alive throughout the execution of the main Also it is accessible within the main..

Same random numbers every loop iteration


change when I run it multiple times but are still the same throughout the 15 times. Since the loop is running 15 different times shouldn't..