

c++ Programming Glossary: throw

throwing exceptions out of a destructor


exceptions out of a destructor Most people say never throw.. exceptions out of a destructor Most people say never throw an exception out of a destructor doing so results in undefined.. every element. This implies that if an element destructor throws the vector destruction fails... There is really no good way..

How to parse a string to an int in C++?


stoll stoul and so on. int myNr std stoi myString It will throw an exception on conversion error. Even these new functions still..

What is the difference between new/delete and malloc/free?


pointer. new standard version never returns a NULL will throw on failure Are called with Type ID compiler calculates the size..

Read whole ASCII file into C++ std::string


in.read contents 0 contents.size in.close return contents throw errno credit of the above code insane coder To Tyler McHenry..

C++/CLI Mixed Mode DLL Creation


Wrapper delete pUnmanaged void sampleMethod if pUnmanaged throw gcnew ObjectDisposedException Wrapper pUnmanaged sampleMethod..

When should static_cast, dynamic_cast and reinterpret_cast be used?


it can't it will return NULL in the case of a pointer or throw std bad_cast in the case of a reference. dynamic_cast has some..

What is The Rule of Three?


the class invariants and the next statement might throw an exception leaving the object in an invalid state name new.. Unfortunately this solution will fail if new char ... throws an exception due to memory exhaustion. One possible solution.. new char strlen that.name 1 If the above statement throws the object is still in the same state as before. None of the..

Testing stream.good() or !stream.eof() reads last line twice [duplicate]


if stream foo operator is overloaded for streams throw SomeException use foo To read and process all lines for std..

Understanding the meaning of the term and the concept - RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization)


FileHandle const char name file fopen name if file throw MAYDAY MAYDAY ~FileHandle The only reason we are checking.. if filewrite_duplex original duplex New Session throw Ugh damn The constructor of Logger will fail if original 's..

How should I write ISO C++ Standard conformant custom new and delete operators?


defines operator new as void operator new std size_t size throw std bad_alloc The C standard specifies the semantics that custom.. dynamic memory of the requested size then it should throw an exception of type std bad_alloc . But There is more to that..

Throw keyword in function's signature (C++)


keyword in function's signature C If function or class method..

Is it ever not safe to throw an exception in a constructor?


would that be correct c share improve this question Throwing exceptions from a constructor is a good thing . When something.. a zombie state where the class exists but does nothing or Throw an exception. And maintaining zombie classes can be quite a..

catch exception by pointer in C++


Is it reasonable to use std::basic_string<t> as a contiguous buffer when targeting C++03?


if errorCheck ERROR_SUCCESS WindowsApiException Throw errorCheck else if valueLength 0 return std wstring std wstring.. if errorCheck ERROR_SUCCESS WindowsApiException Throw errorCheck return buffer I know code like this might slightly..

C++ Error Handling — Good Sources of Example Code?


error safe code Prefer to use exceptions to report errors Throw by value catch by reference Report handle and translate errors..

C++ catch blocks - catch exception by value or reference? [duplicate]


The standard practice for exceptions in C is ... Throw by value catch by reference Catching by value is problematic..

How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++?


hFind hFind INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE else WindowsApiException Throw error bool IsValidDotDirectory return Valid wcscmp currentData.cFileName.. GetLastError ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND WindowsApiException ThrowFromLastError public BasicNonRecursiveEnumeration hFind INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE..

shared_ptr: horrible speed


T2 if e2 getTwinEdge NULL legalizeTriangle p e2 Throw exception catch std bad_alloc e Free memory if e31 NULL delete.. delete e53 if e44 NULL delete e44 if e63 NULL delete e63 Throw exception throw ErrorBadAlloc EErrorBadAlloc Delaunay triangulation.. Can not create new triangles for inserted point p. Throw exception catch ErrorMathZeroDevision e Free memory if e31..

When and how should I use exception handling?


that data is invalid throw an exception. Out of disk space Throw an exception. Cosmic rays prevent you from querying the database.. Cosmic rays prevent you from querying the database Throw an exception. But if you get some invalid data from inside your..

Maximum number of parameters in function declaration


template instantiations 17 . Handlers per try block 256 . Throw specifications on a single function declaration 256 . Besides..

C++ Move semantics and Exceptions


pitfalls. Proposal N3050 Allowing Move Constructors to Throw Rev 1 has been incorporated into the draft standard. Essentially..

What is the correct way of reading from a TCP socket in C/C++?


read socket buffer bytesRead x bytesRead if result 1 Throw your error. bytesRead result Then later in the code unsigned..