

c++ Programming Glossary: fin

c++ fastest way to read only last line of text file?


to jump to the end of the file then read back until you find the first newline. Below is some sample code off the top of.. namespace std int main string filename test.txt ifstream fin fin.open filename if fin.is_open fin.seekg 1 ios_base end go.. std int main string filename test.txt ifstream fin fin.open filename if fin.is_open fin.seekg 1 ios_base end go to..

How to Read from a Text File, Character by Character in C++


question You could try something like char ch fstream fin file fstream in while fin noskipws ch cout ch Or whatever .. something like char ch fstream fin file fstream in while fin noskipws ch cout ch Or whatever share improve this answer..

End of File in C++


in a text file as it is. I try to read it in C nb_try 0 fin c_tmp gamma_tmp while fin.eof if not at end of file continue.. I try to read it in C nb_try 0 fin c_tmp gamma_tmp while fin.eof if not at end of file continue reading numbers store cs_bit.push_back.. c_tmp gammas_bit.push_back gamma_tmp nb_try read fin c_tmp assert fin.fail fail at the nb_try n if fin.eof break..

Boost Property Tree and Xml parsing Problems


the elements at the current level If I do this read_xml fin bifPropTree VGHL String tablePath BOOST_FOREACH boost property_tree..

c++ program for reading an unknown size csv file (filled only with floats) with constant (but unknown) number of columns into an array


int main std vector std vector double values std ifstream fin textread.csv for std string line std getline fin line std replace.. ifstream fin textread.csv for std string line std getline fin line std replace line.begin line.end ' ' ' ' std istringstream.. cout n Here is what happens The destination values is defined as a vector of vectors of double . There isn't anything guaranteeing..

c++ reading in text file into vector<vector> then writing to vector or array depending on first word in internal vector


starting with E4Q E3T and ND. I want to use these cell difinitions to print a file with cell centres. I think this sort of.. main std vector std vector std string values std ifstream fin example.2dm for std string line std getline fin line std istringstream.. ifstream fin example.2dm for std string line std getline fin line std istringstream in line values.push_back std vector..

Why don't the std::fstream classes take a std::string?


string int main std string filename testfile std ifstream fin fin.open filename.c_str Works just fine. fin.close fin.open.. int main std string filename testfile std ifstream fin fin.open filename.c_str Works just fine. fin.close fin.open filename.. std ifstream fin fin.open filename.c_str Works just fine. fin.close fin.open filename Error no such method. fin.close..

OpenCV insufficient memory


j cvSet2D dest i j destpix3 Creating Windows cvCvtColor fin dest CV_HSV2BGR key cvWaitKey 20 cvShowImage win1 dest cvShowImage..

C++ SMTP Example


#include netdb.h #include stdio.h using namespace std #define HELO HELO r n #define DATA DATA r n #define QUIT.. using namespace std #define HELO HELO r n #define DATA DATA r n #define QUIT QUIT r n #define h_addr h_addr_list.. #define HELO HELO r n #define DATA DATA r n #define QUIT QUIT r n #define h_addr h_addr_list 0 FILE fin int sock..

Ignore byte-order marks in C++, reading from a stream


days and so you probably shouldn't do this. std wifstream fin filename fin.imbue std locale fin.getloc new std codecvt_utf8_utf16.. you probably shouldn't do this. std wifstream fin filename fin.imbue std locale fin.getloc new std codecvt_utf8_utf16 wchar_t.. do this. std wifstream fin filename fin.imbue std locale fin.getloc new std codecvt_utf8_utf16 wchar_t 0x10FFFF std consume_header..