

c++ Programming Glossary: filepath

How to find the size of all files, located inside a folder


use unsigned long long and most important was to use path filePath complete dirIte path folderPath to restore the complete path.. dirIte rootFolder dirIte end_itr dirIte path filePath complete dirIte path folderPath try if is_directory dirIte.. if is_directory dirIte status f_size f_size file_size filePath else getFoldersize filePath f_size catch exception e cout..

writing XML with Xerces 3.0.1 and C++ on windows


XML file using Xerces 3.0.1 if i call this function with a filePath of foo.xml or .. foo.xml it works great but if i pass in c foo.xml.. OutputXML xercesc DOMDocument pmyDOMDocument std string filePath Return the first registered implementation that has the desired.. compatible XMLCh . XMLCh tempFilePath XMLString transcode filePath.c_str Calculate the length of the string. const int pathLen..

qt - how to download and save image via http?


void QDownloader setFile QString fileURL QString filePath fileURL QString saveFilePath QStringList filePathList filePath.split.. QString filePath fileURL QString saveFilePath QStringList filePathList filePath.split ' ' QString fileName filePathList.at filePathList.count.. fileURL QString saveFilePath QStringList filePathList filePath.split ' ' QString fileName filePathList.at filePathList.count..

QThread ASSERT failure in QMutexLocker: “QMutex pointer is misaligned”,


iterator_ .fileName fileList_.at iterator_ .fileInfo .filePath else emit finished void FileUploader setUploadProgress qint64.. const QString container const QString blob const QString filePath QFile uploadFile new QFile filePath this this maybe uploadFile.. blob const QString filePath QFile uploadFile new QFile filePath this this maybe uploadFile open QIODevice ReadOnly QNetworkRequest..

Glew problems, unresolved externals


Vector textVecs vector Poly polyList void loadModel string filepath void createTex string ref void render An array of 3 vectors.. render void createTex string ref void loadModel string filepath void resize int p_width int p_height if screen_width 0 screen_height.. habit dechiré.obj loadModel Flooring.obj catch string filepath cerr Model could not be loaded filepath endl filepath Model..

Calling lua functions from .lua's using handles?


File loading it std endl std string filename it std string filepath scriptdir filename if luaL_loadfile L filepath.c_str lua_pcall.. std string filepath scriptdir filename if luaL_loadfile L filepath.c_str lua_pcall L 0 0 0 std cout ScriptEngine error loading..

C++ WinAPI: handling long file paths/names


using GetWindowText into a string declared like so TCHAR FilePath MAX_PATH Obviously here i'm relying on the MAX_PATH constant.. names could I just extend my TCHAR array like this TCHAR FilePath 32767 . Or is there a better way Could I use a variable length.. a better way Could I use a variable length array TCHAR FilePath is this even possible in C sorry i'm pretty new to this . Thank..