

c++ Programming Glossary: filled

How to debug heap corruption errors?


return freed memory to the heap for a while keep it free filled but not available helps catch more dangling pointers catches..

Copy a file in an sane, safe and efficient way


Network Terminal no GUI INTEL SSD Postville 80 GB filled up to 50 Copy a 270 MB OGG VIDEO FILE Steps ro reproduce 1...

In C++, why use static_cast<int>(x) instead of (int)x?


CMyBase ... class CMyOtherStuff ... CMyBase pSomething filled somewhere Now these two are compiled the same way CMyClass pMyObject..

Extend the life of threads with synchronization (C++11)


struct thread_data int id Could use thread id but this is filled before the thread is started std thread t The thread object..

Why use pointers? [closed]


free x Same as malloc but here the allocated space is filled with null characters x char calloc 6 sizeof x x 0 'H' x 1 'e'..

Reduce flicker with GDI+ and C++


preventing the invalidated area of the window from being filled with the window's background color. Useful when you will be.. are quite slim an off screen bitmap must be created and filled for each redraw and the entire window must be repainted for..

How to use std::sort with a vector of structures and compare function?


struct double x double y double alfa pkt vector pkt wektor filled up using push_back compare function int porownaj const void..

How should a size-limited stl-like container be implemented?


and possibly remove entries and that iterate over the filled in entries but that doesn't allow to put in more than e.g. 50..

When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?


and atypical Non zero values help find bugs assuming zero filled data. Constant values are good so that memory filling is deterministic..

Why does left shift operation invoke Undefined Behaviour when the left side operand has negative value?


left shifted E2 bit positions vacated bits are zero filled. If E1 has an unsigned type the value of the result is E1 multiplied.. is E1 left shifted E2 bit positions vacated bits are zero filled. If E1 has an unsigned type the value of the result is E1 2E^2..

why copy constructor is called when passing temp by const ref?


object should be created in this context and its contents filled with a copy of the object we are trying to bind to the reference..

Is std::unique_ptr<T> required to know the full definition of T?


type then entry has a C otherwise the table entry is filled with I . Complete type rquirements for unique_ptr and shared_ptr..

.bss section in elf file


that the mem size is greater than the file size is just filled out with zeros in virtual memory. The segment to section mapping.. variables. At the end the .bss section appears which is filled by zeros at load time because file size does not cover it. By..

Convert between string, u16string & u32string


between strings std wstring_convert ... convert ... filled in with a codecvt to do UTF 8 UTF 16 std string utf8_string..

Sudoku backtracking algorithm


solve function is basically bool solve if there are no unfilled squares return true if the board is unsolvable there are empty.. decision tree for it is so large for a board that isn't filled in very much. It's weird though because a 9x9 board will solve..

How can I find the actual path found by BFS?


what stops he needs to visit when the visited queue is filled with every nodes BFS has searched c algorithm path breadth..