

c++ Programming Glossary: findclass

FindClass from any thread in Android JNI


from any thread in Android JNI Android's JNI tips page mentions.. JNI Android's JNI tips page mentions this FAQ Why didn't FindClass find my class They mention multiple solutions and the last option.. touched loaded yet. Essentially it's the identical to env FindClass in behavior when called from a native thread with the exception..

undefined reference to `JNI_CreateJavaVM' linux


invoke the Main.test method using the JNI jclass cls env FindClass Hello jmethodID mid env GetStaticMethodID cls staticInt I I..

JNI how to access Java Object (Integer)


on the Integer instance to get its primitive value. Use FindClass instead of GetObjectClass as in your code to get a reference..

Calling a java method from c++ in Android


that contains the method you need to call jclass clazz env FindClass the package MainActivity Get the method that you want to call.. env NewStringUTF env This comes from jni. jclass clazz env FindClass env com inceptix android t3d MainActivity jmethodID messageMe..

Embed Java into a C++ application?


invoke the Main.test method using the JNI jclass cls env FindClass Main jmethodID mid env GetStaticMethodID cls test I V env CallStaticVoidMethod..

Get the pointer of a Java ByteBuffer though JNI


void JNICALL test JNIEnv env jobject thiso jclass cls env FindClass java nio ByteBuffer jmethodID aloc env GetStaticMethodID cls..

Can C++ call Java code?


jstring applicationArg0 helloWorldClass env FindClass InvocationHelloWorld if helloWorldClass std cerr Couldn't get.. std endl return applicationArgs env NewObjectArray 1 env FindClass java lang String NULL applicationArg0 env NewStringUTF From..

How to access the Java method in a C++ application


that contains the method you need to call jclass clazz env FindClass java lang String Get the method that you want to call jmethodID..