

c++ Programming Glossary: fills

SIMD prefix sum on Intel cpu


. Pass it an array a of floats and it fills the array s with the cumulative sum. __m128 scan_SSE __m128..

How to do alpha blend fast?


RGBx RGBx RGBx Do some swizzling so that the A term in 1 fills every slot I.e xxxA xxxB xxxC xxxD AAAA BBBB CCCC DDDD In my..

Pass an array to a wrapped function as pointer+size or range


are a slow call to get it or a numinputs 0 typemap that fills the parameter in automatically. Either way the multi argument..

Legal to overwrite std::string's null terminator?


null character 0 . There is this C API I need to use that fills in a string by pointer. It writes the whole string null terminator...

How does the omp ordered clause work?


i 0 i n i ... ... ... #pragma omp order v.push_back i This fills v with an n sized ordered list. When reaching the omp order..

how to find a window's SW_SHOW/SW_HIDE status


share improve this question Use GetWindowPlacement . It fills WINDOWPLACEMENT structure which has field showCmd . showCmd..

Boost Library [closed]


be in the next standard. It is an extension to the STL it fills in the bits left out It is well documented. It is well peer..

Fill the holes in OpenCV


documentation of imfill in MATLAB BW2 imfill BW 'holes' fills holes in the binary image BW. A hole is a set of background..

Data Structures… so how do I understand them? [closed]


up these slots in memory. A list is very simple it just fills the memory list from the top and down 0 Element 0 1 Element..

std::string and its automatic memory resizing


there's a doubling algorithm. In other words when it fills the current buffer it allocates a new buffer that's twice as..

Why does Process.waitFor() never return?


to read it. When you don't read it the buffer eventually fills up and the child process blocks writing to stdout waiting for..

How do I return hundreds of values from a C++ function?


to have the caller pass an array that my function then fills with the output values void computeValues int input std vector..

Pattern consisting of numbers moving in clockwise direction around a rectangular shape (length and breadth decreasing each time)


does exactly the same thing as would the function that fills the array except it doesn't write to an array and when it reaches..

Windows 7 timing functions - How to use GetSystemTimeAdjustment correctly?


by MMRESULT timeGetDevCaps LPTIMECAPS ptc UINT cbtc which fills the structure typedef struct UINT wPeriodMin UINT wPeriodMax..

Sudoku backtracking algorithm


method updates the possible results vector whenever it fills a square if squaresFilled 0 break exhausted all of the 'easy'..

Reorder vector using a vector of indices


all a variant which does destroy the reorder vector. It fills it with 1's. It's about 16 faster than the preceding version...

Is there a standard C++ equivalent of IEnumerable<T> in C#?


iterator and const_iterator typedefs begin member function fills the need for IEnumerable T GetEnumerator end member function..

Using Quaternions for OpenGL Rotations


Z return NewQuat Calculates a rotation matrix and fills Matrix with it void Quaternion RotationMatrix GLfloat Matrix..

What is the closest thing windows has to fork()?


shared memory area shared among all Cygwin tasks . It then fills in the child's .data and .bss sections by copying from its own..