

c++ Programming Glossary: filetime

How can I measure CPU time and wall clock time on both Linux/Windows?


double time.QuadPart freq.QuadPart double get_cpu_time FILETIME a b c d if GetProcessTimes GetCurrentProcess a b c d 0 Returns..

How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++


windows and linux. int64 GetTimeMs64 #ifdef WIN32 Windows FILETIME ft LARGE_INTEGER li Get the amount of 100 nano seconds intervals..

How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++?


const return internalData.cAlternateFileName FILETIME GetCreationTime const return internalData.ftCreationTime FILETIME.. GetCreationTime const return internalData.ftCreationTime FILETIME GetLastAccessTime const return internalData.ftLastAccessTime.. const return internalData.ftLastAccessTime FILETIME GetLastWriteTime const return internalData.ftLastWriteTime template..

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?


static HANDLE self void init SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo FILETIME ftime fsys fuser GetSystemInfo &sysInfo numProcessors sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors.. &ftime memcpy &lastCPU &ftime sizeof FILETIME self GetCurrentProcess GetProcessTimes self &ftime &ftime &fsys.. &ftime &ftime &fsys &fuser memcpy &lastSysCPU &fsys sizeof FILETIME memcpy &lastUserCPU &fuser sizeof FILETIME double getCurrentValue..

Windows 7 timing functions - How to use GetSystemTimeAdjustment correctly?


windows.h #include iostream #include iomanip int main FILETIME fileStart GetSystemTimeAsFileTime fileStart ULARGE_INTEGER start.. start.LowPart fileStart.dwLowDateTime for int i 20 i 0 i FILETIME timeStamp1 ULARGE_INTEGER ts1 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime timeStamp1.. to the system's wall clock in file time format. A 64 bit FILETIME structure receives the system time as FILETIME in 100ns units..