

c++ Programming Glossary: finalize

Storing a lua class with parent in luabind::object (updated)


print 'parent init n' end function TestClassParent __finalize print 'parent finalize n' end class 'TestClass' TestClassParent.. n' end function TestClassParent __finalize print 'parent finalize n' end class 'TestClass' TestClassParent function TestClass.. n' TestClassParent.__init self end function TestClass __finalize print 'finalize n' end C luabind object obj luabind call_function..

Managing destructors of managed (C#) and unmanaged (C++) objects


unmanaged object using an anonymous integer handle. In the finalize method destructor of the managed object I have a call into the..

C++ destructor & function call order


of the expression as value returned from function 4. finalize return statement to leave function to its caller request exit..

Creating a counter that stays synchronized across MPI processes


no more work then you wait at a barrier or something and finalize. Once you have something like this using a shared value to get..

Does delete call the destructor in C++?


it now after all destructors have been invoked to finalize the object the block where the object resided is returned to..

How do I prepare my .cpp files for the Android ndk to build them?


gamePtr 0 Game gamePtr create @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable if gamePtr 0 destroy gamePtr super.finalize.. throws Throwable if gamePtr 0 destroy gamePtr super.finalize etc... 2 You can use LOCAL_SRC_FILES wildcard .cpp wildcard..