

c++ Programming Glossary: fill

How to debug heap corruption errors?


after each alloc respecting maximum alignment requirement fill with magic numbers helps catch buffer overflows and underflows.. and underflows and the occasional wild pointer alloc fill fill new allocations with a magic non 0 value Visual C will.. and underflows and the occasional wild pointer alloc fill fill new allocations with a magic non 0 value Visual C will already..

initialize a const array in a class initializer in C++


it. Just use std vector instead. int a new int N fill a class C const std vector int v public C v a a N share improve..

What are the Complexity guarantees of the standard containers?


1 push_back O 1 pop_back O 1 Insert O ln n Insert fill O n Insert range O n O kln n n size O n swap O 1 erase key..

When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?


start of an allocated block. 0xFD or Buffer slack Used to fill slack space in some memory buffers 0xFE unused parts of `std.. with LMEM_FIXED but not yet written to. 0xFEEEFEEE OS fill heap memory which was marked for usage but wasn't allocated.. and atypical Non zero values help find bugs assuming zero filled data. Constant values are good so that memory filling is deterministic..

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?


Are std::vector elements guaranteed to be contiguous?


somebody clarify this Example std vector int values ... fill up values if values.empty int array values 0 for int i 0 i values.size..

How to do alpha blend fast?


reinterpret_cast __mm128i srcByteTop Step 3 Fill the 4 positions for the first pixel with maskCurrent 0 etc ..

Body has already been defined for function main() [closed]


x1 y1 x2 y2 getch printf Enter X and Y co ordinates to Fill a circle using BOUNDRY FILL scanf d d x1 y1 boundfill8 x1 y1..

Pointers on modern OpenGL shadow cubemapping?


each face. I do that like this for int face 0 face 6 face Fill each face of the shadow cubemap glTexImage2D GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X..

Are P/Invoke [In, Out] attributes optional for marshaling arrays?


from a native DLL NativeDll.cpp extern C void __stdcall FillArray int fillValue int count int data Assume parameters are.. fillValue int count int data Assume parameters are OK... Fill the array for int i 0 i count i data i fillValue The following.. CallingConvention.StdCall public static extern void FillArray int fillValue int count In Out int data as well as this..

Is there a use case for std::function that is not covered by function pointers, or is it just syntactic sugar? [duplicate]


of callable objects std vector std function void functions Fill in the container... functions.push_back X functions.push_back..

Convert raw PCM to FLAC?


parameters object. snd_pcm_hw_params_alloca params Fill it in with default values. snd_pcm_hw_params_any handle params..

Fill the holes in OpenCV


the holes in OpenCV I have an edge map extracted from edge.. using C and OpenCV libraries. In OpenCV there is a cvFloodFill function and it will fill the holes with a seed with one of.. Q1 how to find all the seeds so that I could apply 'cvFloodFill ' Q2 how to implement a 'imfill ' equivalent Newbie in OpenCV..

What are the Complexity guarantees of the standard containers?


Cont Cont Sequ Sequ Sequ Cont Cont Cont Copy Const O n Fill Const O n begin O 1 end O 1 rbegin O 1 rend O 1 front ..

fatal error C1014: too many include files : depth = 1024


SW_SHOW UpdateWindow mhMainWnd void D3DApp initDirect3D Fill out a DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC to describe our swap chain. DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC..

c++ STL set difference


#include set #include iterator ... std set int s1 s2 Fill in s1 and s2 with values std set int result std set_difference..

priority queue with limited space: looking for a good algorithm


can have the code as follows Allocated Array of size N. Fill it up with the first N elements you see. heapify you should..

Why override operator()?


print int i std cout i std endl ... std vector int vec Fill vec Using a functor Accumulator acc std for_each vec.begin vec.end..

Keys / Values Functionality to Iterators in C++


can iterate over the values e.g. like this your_class c Fill c with some values copy c.begin c.end ostream_iterator float..

Passing an array as an argument in C++


sizeof int std vector int original num if num 2 return num Fill the array using the elements of originalarray This is just for.. int farray num 2 std vector int sarray num farray.size Fill those using elements from original std copy original.begin original.begin..

BOOST uBLAS matrix product extremely slow


EDIT The code is trivial matrix double A 2000 2000 Fill Matrix A matrix double B A C A B D A B E prod A B F prod trans..

Erasing an element from a container while inside a range-based for loop


be if I didn't call erase Example std map int int someMap Fill in someMap for auto element someMap ... if Some condition someMap.erase..

How to erase & delete pointers to objects stored in a vector?


trouble. Here's what it looks like vector Entity Entities Fill vector here vector Entity iterator it for it Entities.begin..

Body has already been defined for function main() [closed]


main closed Graphics algorithm to impliment the BOUNDARY FILL 4 Algorithm #include dos.h #include stdio.h #include conio.h.. the point from where you want n printf to start BOUNDARY FILL scanf d d x y int gd DETECT gm initgraph gd gm c tc bgi drawpolygon.. fill boundary Graphics algorithm to impliment the BOUNDARY FILL 8 Algorithm #include dos.h #include stdio.h #include conio.h..