

c++ Programming Glossary: file_attribute_directory

How can i tell if a given path is a directory or a file? (C/C++)


Recursive hard disk search with FindFirstFile & FindNextFile C++


at if so look into that dir if file.dwFileAttributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY bRecursive String strNewFilePath strFilePath strNewFilePath.. at if so look into that dir if file.dwFileAttributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY if bRecursive strFoundFilePath SearchDrive strFile strPathToSearch..

How to get list of folders in this folder?


FindFirstFile szDir ffd ... do if ffd.dwFileAttributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY your code on 'ffd' while FindNextFile hFind ffd 0 share improve..

How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++?


IsDirectory const return internalData.dwFileAttributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY 0 bool IsFile const return IsDirectory unsigned __int64 GetSize.. wcscpy_s test.cAlternateFileName L . test.dwFileAttributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY GetSystemTimeAsFileTime test.ftCreationTime test.ftLastWriteTime.. L SYSTEM32 test.nFileSizeLow 0 test.dwFileAttributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY fakeFunctor fakeData.push_back test ~DirectoryIteratorTestsFixture..