

c++ Programming Glossary: findings

Incorrect overload resolution for 2-argument functions


the strictest sense I have filed a bug for it based on the findings in my answer since it is at least inconsistent to the definition..

How heavy is QObject really? [duplicate]


after running a few tests. Since I can no longer post my findings in my original question I'll post it here so it is available..

Any way to cast with class operator only?


Edit I got a chance to test it on VS2005 and VS2008. My findings differ from the original poster's. On VS2008 the original version..

what is/are the purpose(s) of inline?


may save code size in the executable But according to my findings here and here it wouldn't be needed since Inline only occurs..

Same program faster on Linux than Windows — why?


but certainly glibc . In order to completely trust your findings about execution speed you would need to run your app a couple..

Handle arbitrary length integers in C++


helped me a lot to solve this and i will post some of my findings to help other c newbies like me to get started working with..

std::lower_bound slower for std::vector than std::map::find


more interesting nut to crack Before discussing my findings so far let me point out that the associative find function behaves..