

c++ Programming Glossary: filesystem

Copy a file in an sane, safe and efficient way


Steps ro reproduce 1. rm from.ogg 2. reboot # kernel and filesystem buffers are in regular 3. time . program report.txt # executes.. also samples and results of mmap and copy_file from boost filesystem. Update 3 I've put this also on a blog page and extended it.. file system. I am sure boost has a copy file method in its filesystem class. There is always the C libraries for interacting with..

Can I use a mask to iterate files in a directory with Boost?


matching something like somefiles .txt . Does boost filesystem have something built in to do that or do I need a regex or something.. do I need a regex or something against each leaf c boost filesystems share improve this question EDIT As noted in the comments.. the comments the code below is valid for versions of boost filesystem prior to v3. For v3 refer to the suggestions in the comments...

How do I get the directory that a program is running from?


program is running from Is there a platform agnostic and filesystem agnostic method to obtain the full path of the directory from.. standard ones like clib or STL. If there's no platform filesystem agnostic method suggestions that work in Windows and Linux for.. suggestions that work in Windows and Linux for specific filesystems are welcome too. c c current dir share improve this question..

Get path of executable


from in a platform independent fashion. I though boost filesystem initial_path was the answer to my troubles but that seems to..

How to make SIMPLE C++ Makefile?


a variety of functions for accessing information from the filesystem or other commands on the system. In this case we are interested..

How to clear directory contents in c++ on Linux (basically, i want to do 'rm -rf <directorypath>/*'


Why is including “using namespace” into a header file a bad idea in C++?


person suffering due to the using statement may not have filesystem code repository permissions corporate authority etc. to remove..

C++ code in header files


you need to link to for certain parts such as threads filesystem etc . A Primary example is that you cannot have simple global..

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?


I got all values via a combination of reading the pseudo filesystem proc and kernel calls. Total Virtual Memory #include sys types.h.. the Unixes except for the parts that read the proc pseudo filesystem. Perhaps on Unix these parts can be replaced by getrusage and..

CreateFile: direct write operation to raw disk “Access is denied” - Vista, Win7


C and it calls CreateFile to open an SD card that has no filesystem . The CreateFile and consecutive ReadFile calls are successful..

C++ / Boost Filesystem - mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1700' doesn't match value '1600'


Boost Filesystem mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER' value '1700' doesn't match.. doing a small simple program to trying to learn the Boost Filesystem library. I have followed the directions to build the Boost libs...

How to find the size of all files, located inside a folder


answer is somewhat close. As you can see here there is a Filesystem Library Proposal Revision 4 . Here you can read The Boost version..

How do I “normalize” a pathname using boost::filesystem?


Is there an alternative way to do this with the Boost Filesystem library Or should I write code to directly manipulating the..

How to remove a non-empty directory in C++?


files first I know it shouldn't be hard using Boost Filesystem but I kind of want to avoid building and depending on it just..

How to create a temporary directory in C++?


share improve this question Version 3 of Boost Filesystem Library provides function unique_path for generating a path..

Optimal buffer size for write(2)


fit. Most of the time is spent on reading the disk. Filesystem and disk benchmarks are quite flat in that range. 4Kbytes seems..

Relevant boost features vs C++11


iso c spring 2013 meeting Concept check Concepts Lite Filesystem filesystem Optional std optional A large part of MPL can be..

How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++?


#include .. Exception.hpp namespace WindowsAPI namespace FileSystem template typename Filter_T AllResults typename Recurse_T NonRecursiveEnumeration.. boost test unit_test.hpp #include .. .. WindowsAPI FileSystem Enumerator.hpp using namespace WindowsAPI FileSystem struct.. FileSystem Enumerator.hpp using namespace WindowsAPI FileSystem struct SimpleFakeFindXFileFunctions static std deque WIN32_FIND_DATAW..

C++:boost file system to return a list of files older than a specific time


of files older than a specific time I am using the Boost FileSystem library with C running under Linux platform and I have a question.. than a given date time. I dont know whether the boost FileSystem offer such a method as vector string listFiles boost FileSystem.. offer such a method as vector string listFiles boost FileSystem getFiles directory 01 01 2010 12 00 00 If yes could you please..

General strategies for memory/speed problems


filesystem to store every file in directory bool retVal FileSystem getDirectoryContents HOME_DIR HISTORY_DIR dirCon 2 int counter.. directory content vector string subDirCon bool subRetVal FileSystem getDirectoryContents dirCon.at i subDirCon if subRetVal fprintf..

How to read the contents of an entire disk bit by bit


the drive logical representation of your flash card with a FileSystem installed on it specified by the drive letter and the disk physical..