

c++ Programming Glossary: filelist

Globbing in C++/C, on Windows


and readglob gets an argument .txt it returns the above filelist. Prototype of this hypothetical function. vector string readglob..

xutility file?


int countfaces 0 int numFaces 0 int k 0 int list 0 char filelist 512 512 int timeCount 0 static CvMemStorage storage 0 static.. Image d.pgm k cvSaveImage name gray for int j 0 j 512 j filelist list j name j list WriteInDB int found SIFT result.txt name.. myfile.open result.txt for int i 0 i 512 i if strcmp filelist i 0 myfile filelist i n myfile.close Error messages Error 3..

ctags ignore lists for libc6, libstdc++ and boost


libc6 dev grep o ' usr include . .h' ~ .vim tags libc6 filelist ctags sort foldcase c kinds p fields iaS extra q I. libc6 ignore.. q I. libc6 ignore f ~ .vim tags libc6 L ~ .vim tags libc6 filelist # create tags for stdlibc and STL apt file list libstdc 6 4.4.. grep E o ' usr include . . h hpp ' ~ .vim tags stdlibcpp filelist ctags sort foldcase R c kinds p fields iaS extra q f ~ .vim..

GCC debugger stack trace displays wrong file name and line number


F Developer SDKs MacOSX10.5.sdk Library Frameworks filelist Users adriangrigore Documents Gemsweeper Mac build Gemsweeper..