

c++ Programming Glossary: findnextfile

Filenames truncate to only show first character


do sprintf packet.message s f.cFileName Send packet while FindNextFile h f c winapi file io share improve this question This is..

Recursive hard disk search with FindFirstFile & FindNextFile C++


hard disk search with FindFirstFile FindNextFile C I am failing to see where i am going wrong. This current.. C file String strFoundFilePath if hFile while FindNextFile hFile file String strTheNameOfTheFile file.cFileName It could.. ADD TO COLLECTION TYPE if bStopWhenFound break while FindNextFile hFile file CloseHandle hFile return strFoundFilePath . String..

Get a font filename based on the font handle (HFONT)


File enumeration can also be done using FindFirstFile FindNextFile Windows API functions but would be less readable. GetFontData..

How to get list of folders in this folder?


Removing a non empty directory programmatically in C or C++ [duplicate]


path is a directory. On Windows you will use FindFirstFile FindNextFile to enumerate RemoveDirectory on empty directories and DeleteFile..

How can I quickly enumerate directories on Win32?


have an app which spends 95 of it's time in FindFirst FindNextFile APIs and it takes several minutes to enumerate all the files..

How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++?


on wrapping up the ugly innards of the FindFirstFile FindNextFile loop though my question applies to other similar APIs such as.. HANDLE hFindFile LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData return FindNextFile hFindFile lpFindFileData static BOOL Close HANDLE hFindFile.. require require data.dwFileAttributes prohibit 0 if done FindNextFile it data 0 break dir_iterator done true dir_iterator operator..

How to remove a non-empty directory in C++?


non portable code to find all the files e.g. FindFirstFile FindNextFile on Windows opendir readdir on Unix and similar recursively and..