

c++ Programming Glossary: fill_n

C/C++ initialization of a normal array with one default value


What would be a good implementation of iota_n (missing algorithm from the STL)


a std iota function see a reference . In contrast to std fill_n std generate_n there is no std iota_n however. What would be..

Is it possible to guarantee code doing memory writes is not optimized away in C++?


all this code can be eliminated char buffer size std fill_n buffer size 0 When dealing with sensitive data the typical approach..

Implementation of a “hits in last [second/minute/hour]” data structure


m_total size_t m_position public Histogram m_total 0 std fill_n m_ringBuffer.begin RingSize 0 void addHit m_ringBuffer m_position..

mixing cout and printf for faster output


for int i 0 i count i std cout string std endl void use_fill_n std fill_n std ostream_iterator char const std cout n count.. i 0 i count i std cout string std endl void use_fill_n std fill_n std ostream_iterator char const std cout n count string int.. show_time use_endl Time using endl show_time use_fill_n Time using fill_n return 0 I ran this on Windows after compiling..

How-to write a password-safe class?


U throw void deallocate pointer p size_type n std fill_n volatile char p n sizeof T 0 std allocator T deallocate p n..

Templates: Use forward declarations to reduce compile time?


int std allocator int template void std __uninitialized_fill_n_a __gnu_cxx __normal_iterator int std vector int std allocator.. const std allocator int template void std __uninitialized_fill_n_a int unsigned long int const std allocator int template void.. __normal_iterator int std vector int std allocator int std fill_n __gnu_cxx __normal_iterator int std vector int std allocator..

Custom stream manipulator for streaming integers in any base


flags std ios_base internal flags std ios_base left std fill_n out str.width i fill if val 0 out ' ' Handle the internal.. adjustment flag. if flags std ios_base internal std fill_n out str.width i fill char digitCharLc 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.. we are left aligned. if str.flags std ios_base left std fill_n out str.width i fill clear the width str.width 0 return out..